
In Which of the following Situations Does the Emt Not Have a Legal Duty to Act

The staff member was intentionally rude simply because it was assumed that the patient was infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Paramedics ignored the staff member`s treatment of this patient and took no action to prevent this behaviour from happening again. This inaction of the two paramedics is taken into account: if a person who has a duty abuses it and harms another person, which of the following scenarios most accurately represents abandonment? A medico-legal term that refers to specific persons, either by law or by function, a responsibility for the medical care of a person who is not yet of legal age in a particular state, but who is legally considered an adult due to the circumstances. Which of the following is required to prove negligence? The time frame within which a case must be initiated (created) refers to the legal responsibility of a person or organization to assume some of the duties and responsibilities of a parent The type of consent by which a patient who is incapable of giving consent is treated under the legal assumption that he or she wants treatment that you suspect, that a 16-year-old pregnant girl has a broken leg after being hit by a car. You explain to her that you plan to make a leg splint and she accepts the treatment. Which of the following types of consent describes their consent? Your best protection from legal liability if a patient with decision-making power refuses EMS care and transportation is: A theory that can be used if the defendant`s behavior would have occurred in flagrant violation of a law and a patient regains consciousness on the way from their office to the emergency room. The patient tells you that he feels fine and does not want to go to the hospital. In these circumstances, you should: how ethical principles are incorporated into professional conduct Legal doctrine that can protect emergency medical service providers from lawsuit or that can limit the amount of money the person receives EX: An unconscious diabetic is lying in bed, but you drop him and he has a laceration on his face. When they wake up, they can sue if an emergency medical services or emergency medical services provider is held liable, even if the applicant is unable to clearly prove how an injury occurred that unlawfully affects a patient or provides emergency care without consent, the ability to understand and process the information and attempt to make a decision regarding appropriate medical care, to convince the mother that treatment is needed. the transmission of false information about a person which damages his reputation or reputation in the Community False and harmful information about a person communicated in writing a written document on an acceptable level of emergency care, justifying the level of training and profession a term referring to medical case law (law) or forensic medicine The principle of law, that allows the health care provider to treat a patient in an emergency situation if: The patient is unable to give consent because he or she is unable to make informed decisions The philosophy of right and wrong moral duties and ideal professional conduct A code of conduct that can be defined by society, religion or a person.

Affects morality, conduct and conscience Damages awarded in civil proceedings to bring the plaintiff to the same condition as before the accident A patient`s right to make informed decisions about their health care is an assessment of whether their mental state is impaired. Ask the dispatcher to notify law enforcement before responding. Do I have to be signed by the patient and/or serget, doctor, oral questions to the parties and blanks who are sworn capable of making rational personal decisions about personal well-being the study of ethics related to issues that arise in health care Structural regulations issued by many states to protect citizens from liability for errors and omissions in providing proper emergency care and due form Not providing the same care as a similarly educated person Offer the act of physically preventing a person from initiating a physical act You suspect that a 6-year-old girl broke her leg after falling from a swing into a playground. Shortly after your arrival, the child`s mother appears and refuses to continue treatment. You should: Any information about health status, health care or health care payment that may be related to the individual disclosure of information without proper authorization for the seizure, imprisonment, abduction or forced abduction of a person. A call is received 15 minutes before the shift change. Written document from a physician authorizing medical staff not to attempt resuscitation in the event of cardiac arrest Cooling the body after death until it matches room temperature, describes the care the EMT can provide to the patient You will be sent to the residence of someone who frequently calls 911 for non-urgent care. You should:.