
Is It Legal to Own a Bobcat in South Carolina

If you want to import wildlife into Wisconsin, you will need an import permit and veterinary control certificate. There are some rodents that you cannot import unless you get a permit from the Department of Natural Resources. You cannot keep certain native pests as pets, including cougars, black bears, raccoons and bobcats. Wisconsin allows the possession of monkeys, but not chimpanzees as pets. A person must not own any member of the cat family other than the domestic cat or a hybrid of a member of the cat family and a domestic cat if the hybrid weighs more than 30 pounds. This provision prohibits a person who had lawful possession of a prohibited animal on or before May 31, 2006, from continuing to possess the animal if the person gives written notice to the local animal control authority on or before August 1, 2006. This section does not apply to research establishments or federal research establishments accredited under the federal Animal Welfare Act; an exhibitor authorized under the federal Animal Welfare Act; qualified animal shelters, animal protection officers; licensed veterinarians; or non-residents in the state for ten days or less to travel between locations outside the state. There is no open season for fishing or hunting bobcat. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has classified the bobcats as a species of extreme concern. Eastern cougars “disappeared” in the late 1800s. The bobcat and eastern cougar are listed as “rare, endangered and endangered in Maryland.” All savannah cats are allowed to be owned if they weigh less than 30 pounds. New York prohibits breeding, buying or selling feral cats that are not hybrids, that are at least four generations old and registered by the CFA or TICA for pets.

All previous owners had to register their cats and apply for a licence by June 30, 2005. The license fee is $170 for 2 years. Excludes AZA zoos, USDA exhibitors, research institutes, licensed veterinarians, registered human societies, animal shelters, SPCAs, colleges and universities, wildlife rehabilitators, those transporting an animal to a liberated location, wildlife sanctuaries, and those transiting in less than 10 days. Lions require a Dangerous Wildlife Permit, issued solely for science, education or exhibition. Native species such as bobcats and cougars cannot be kept as pets. Bobbcats can be imported for other purposes without a permit, but require a fur farming permit to own or breed them. Pumas are considered an endangered species and require an endangered species permit. In 2012, New York State passed legislation requiring the Department to establish lists of prohibited non-native species, species subject to approval, and legal species. It also banned the release of exotic animals. On 8.11.2014, a new law was adopted prohibiting traders or exhibitors from allowing direct contact with big cats, tigers, leopards, with the exception of clouded leopards, jaguars, pumers or hybrids without a permanent physical barrier. New York is the first state to ban genital electrocution of furbearing animals (2008). It is legal to hunt bobcat.

No breeding permits unless they comply with AZA, IUCN or the State of Massachusetts or the United States and, in the opinion of the MA Director, make a significant contribution to the survival and recovery of the species. No personal property licence is issued for the purpose of owning a pet. Authentic and legitimate educational use, certified by zoological or biological authorities, is permitted. Commercial enterprises where the animal is related to the applicant`s primary occupation or livelihood will be licensed. It is illegal to own savannahs except in zoos and educational institutions. Bobcat hunting is legal with permission. Category I wild animals, which include tigers and lions, may only be personally owned if they were owned on or before 1 August 1980. or no later than August 27, 2009 for cougars, panthers or cheetahs. Permits are required for the public display, sale or personal possession of Class II wildlife, which includes bobcats, servals and caracals. All generations of savannah cats are legal. The state issues non-commercial wildlife breeding licenses and commercial wildlife breeding licenses. However, exotic cats are exempt from non-commercial breeding, commercial wildlife breeder and import permits.

Native bears or cats weighing more than 50 pounds (black bear and puma) can only be kept under a commercial breeding licence, as they are prohibited as pets. An import permit is required for the importation of bobcats or cougars into the state. Construction and inspection of the cage is required before the permit for bobcats or puma is granted. Requires the licensee to follow the general care guidelines of the AWA. The licence fee is $48.00 for a business licence and $5.00 for a personal possession licence. Cougar issuance requires either a resident cat/bear exhibitor permit or a temporary non-resident cat/bear exhibitor license. Valid from 14.05.2013 In addition to the liability of the owners of a member of the felid family in the event of death or injury of livestock, the owners are now also liable for damages caused, including legal fees and legal costs. Serval and savannah cats are legal in Oklahoma, as is hunting bobcats. Adding a pet bobcat, could be a great experience for a family until they are ready to create the right environment for the bobcats to thrive. Make sure the animal receives proper nutrition, including offal, muscle meats, bones and whole prey. Live food is not human, so it is better to eat frozen and prepared meat. Your bobcats will also need proper accommodation, ideally indoors and outdoors.

Cages should be durable and safe, with double-door entrances to prevent leakage. It is illegal for a person to own a regulated animal. A regimented animal is defined as all members of the family of felids (with the exception of domestic cats); all bears; and all non-human primates. A person who owns a regulated animal when the law comes into force on 1 January 2005 has 90 days to register the animal with the local animal control authority. Owners of a registered regulated pet may replace the regulated pet when it dies, but only once. The law also requires these long-term owners to have a written plan to recapture runaway animals and meet the Department of Agriculture`s cage requirements, including fencing around primary pens. Regulated animal tags must be put in place and feral cats must be registered with local animal control authorities, who could be the sheriff in rural districts. Hunting and trapping bobcats is legal in Minnesota. Serval hybrids are illegal in Minnesota. No one may possess a dangerous animal including a lion, a tiger, a leopard, an ocelot, a jaguar, a cheetah, a margay, a mountain lion, a lynx, a bobcat, or a jaguarundi, except in a well-maintained zoological park, a State-authorized exhibition, a circus, a scientific or educational institution, a research laboratory, a veterinary clinic, dog running area or shelter.

Illinois resumed bobcat hunting and bobcat trapping during the 2016-17 season. There are some counties in Illinois where it`s prohibited. It is illegal to own a bobcat, but you can hunt it. It is legal to own a savannah cat. North Carolina does not have a general statewide law regulating the possession or possession of exotic or dangerous animals. However, each county in the state establishes its own ordinances that deal with exotic animal rules. This means that it sets rules on the types of animals you can own as pets. Requires a wildlife captivity permit for native cougars and bobcats, issued only to zoos and bona fide publicly funded educational or scientific research institutions. For the private property of cougars, the state needs natural habitats of rather grandiose proportions: enclosure of at least one hectare, fences of 12 feet with curve at 45 degrees, swimming pool, cave, vegetation and landscaping, the property must belong to the applicant. Zoos or scientific research institutes are allowed to keep cougars in concrete and chain link cages. Natural habitats are not required for bobcats as they are for cougars, but the state has minimum cage size requirements. Must apply for an import permit if native cats are brought into the state from out of state.

Must be a USDA exhibitor or research center to import native species from North or South America. However, this is not a requirement for purchase in the state, although NC does not issue permits for the use of pets. Savannah cats are legal. Hunting of bobcats is allowed. Georgia`s Ministry of Natural Resources describes illegal animals as naturally dangerous. This classification includes kangaroos, primates, non-domesticated dogs, non-domesticated cats, crocodiles, alligators, elephants, bats, piranhas, air-breathing catfish, Gila monsters, cobras and other venomous snakes. If you want to have a capuchin monkey as a pet, a special permit is required. You do not need a permit for sugar gliders or ferrets. Domestic rabbits and small rodents are also allowed without permission, with the exception of hedgehogs. Does not allow feral cats to own pets. Must be licensed by the USDA as a Class B broker or C issuer or have scientific or educational purposes.