
What Does Stet Conditions Mean in Court

Generally, a Stet in Maryland means that the case will be inactive for a period of time (perhaps 6 months or a year), usually so that the defendant can fulfill certain agreed upon conditions (e.g., community service hours, counseling classes, anger management classes, payment of reparations, etc.). Once the defendant has successfully fulfilled the conditions, an agreement can be reached for the case to then be registered as Nolle Prosequi – in other words, the state will drop the charges. Of course, all cases vary and it depends on the exact agreement that is drawn up. Some Maryland counties may not offer Stet diversion for certain crimes, so it`s important to check with a local attorney about the practice in this area. Here are five key facts about the Stet case that should help answer any questions about what this means in Maryland: Last year, charges against one in three men arrested in June after allegedly cleaning a vehicle and fleeing police in Ocean City were added to the “Stet” list. A conviction is not a conviction because no finding of fact was made and the defendant did not plead guilty to the charge or charges. Because a Stet in Maryland is not a conviction, you can honestly respond to employers or other inquiries that you have not been convicted if you receive a Stet in your criminal case. A Stet can be associated with certain conditions. These conditions may include the defendant staying away from another person, staying away from a business or place, or performing other tasks such as community service or compensation. Stet is a useful tool for Maryland prosecutors. If a prosecutor feels that a conviction would not serve the state better, he will offer a Stet.

Here are some other reasons why a Stet is proposed in a criminal case: From the moment you are charged with a crime, it is important to consult a legal representative because he or she offers you the greatest chance of achieving the desired results. If your case is put on speeding tickets, it can greatly affect your criminal record and freedom, so you shouldn`t control the complex legal process on your own. In accordance with Maryland Criminal Procedure 10-105(c)(1), an application to remove an Always may be filed no earlier than three (3) years after the Stets docks. If a defendant successfully fulfills all the conditions ordered, there may be an agreement in which the state drops the charges, but this outcome is not always guaranteed. If a case is still on the agenda after three years, a defendant may request deletion. If the charge relates to an act that has been decriminalized, it can be removed immediately. A Baltimore criminal defense attorney can sue for his client`s case, but it is up to the prosecutor suing the case to offer the Stet. If a defendant is offered a stett, the lawyer must inform him of the terms of the package, and the defendant must accept the stet and waive his right to a speedy trial when the stet is reopened. If you are being prosecuted in Annapolis, Baltimore, Essex, Glen Burnie, Ocean City, Towson, or White Marsh, you should speak to a criminal defense attorney. An experienced defence lawyer can help you determine if placement on the Stet registry is a possible remedy for your criminal charges. The lawyers at The Law Offices of Thomas J. Maronick have experience handling criminal defense cases in Annapolis, Baltimore, Essex, Glen Burnie, Ocean City, Towson or White Marsh.

A stet case is not actually a role, but a term used by state judges and sttorneys to describe the marking of a case “stet”. There is no Stet Docket and an attachment is not placed on the Stet Docket. Stet Docket was used just enough for new prosecutors to use the term, and it has been repeated so many times that it is used over and over again. A Stet can be removed in Maryland. But you will have to wait three years from the date of registration of the Stet by the Court of Justice. If a case was marked as stet on January 15, 2013, the case can be deleted on January 15, 2016. If the accused files a criminal complaint at the time of expulsion, eradication is refused. If you accept a Stet, and you must accept it, the only right you waive is your right to a speedy trial. Since a Stet could be reopened and you or the state might decide to go to court, at a later date, when the case is reopened, you cannot claim that you were not brought to court in time. If the case is marked as Stet and there are no conditions, it is an “unconditional Stet”.

This means that the state does not lead law enforcement and you do not have to perform tasks during the time of an Immer. A Stet is an indefinite postponement of proceedings in a criminal case. At the request of the prosecutor, the court may order a case marked as actiond. If a Stet is listed, it means that the state will not pursue criminal charges at that time. But there is no free meal. In order to receive the Stet, the accused must waive his right to a speedy trial if the case is reopened. In many cases, the robbery is reopened when the accused is arrested on a new charge. If a case is marked as stet or placed on the “stet list”, it means that the case becomes inactive and the state has decided not to pursue the case. The state file is on a shelf in the prosecutor`s office, as well as the court file on a shelf in the court registry. This does not apply in cases where the defendant receives a PBJ (probation before verdict), but does so because a PBJ does not allow a defendant to appeal the decision. However, the state believes that if the defendant violates the probation condition, the PBJ is beaten, and a guilty person is registered, then the defendant appeals this decision, the state still has the option to reopen the defendant and prosecute him for the additional charges. Any person accused of having committed an offence, including a violation of the object of transport for which a custodial sentence may be imposed, or who has been charged with an offence or civil violation, with the exception of offences committed by minors, has the right to have his or her criminal record expunged if certain conditions are met.