
Afforded Legal Term

Literally: “You have the body.” The name has received a variety of pleadings, the purpose of which is to bring a person before a court or judge. In the broadest sense, it is addressed to the official or person holding another and orders the official to present the body of the prisoner or detained person so that the court can determine whether that person has been deprived of liberty without due process. Plenipotentiary. An individual (who is not necessarily a lawyer) who has been authorized by another person to act in his or her place, either for a specific purpose, to perform a specific act, or for the conduct of business in general, which is not of a legal nature. This authority is conferred by a written document called a power of attorney or, more commonly, a power of attorney. Ad Litem. Latin term for disputes. For example, an ad litem guardian is a person appointed by the court to protect the interests of a minor or a person legally incompetent in a legal dispute. Chief Justice – The judge who has primary responsibility for administering a court. The Presiding Judge also decides cases, and the election of Chief Justices is based on seniority. An official who chooses the names to be included in a jury wheel, or who draws the jury for a court mandate. A legal theory that alleges that the defendant abused a court case, such as a subpoena or prosecution. Legal fiction.

Acceptance of a fact, which may or may not be true, by a judge to decide a legal question. A study that was completed before its normal completion. It may be declared by the judge because of an extraordinary event (p. e.g., death or illness of the jury or counsel), due to an adverse error that cannot be corrected in this trial or due to a jury at an impasse. pro se – Latin term meaning “in one`s own name”; In the courts, these are people who present their own case without a lawyer. Out of two, there was a danger: Mr Bellamy had not given the support he had promised. But as a white child, I had every opportunity to reform and reinvent myself, so I did. A court case to enforce the payment of a debt by the sale of real estate in which the creditor holds a privilege. Persons who are actively involved in the prosecution or defence of a court case.

Arbitration. A mini-trial that can be held instead of a court case and conducted by a single person or a panel of three people who are not judges. Arbitrators are usually former judges or experienced lawyers. In general, arbitration is more cost-effective and faster than jury trials. Arbitral awards may be converted into a judgment of a court upon application to the court, unless a party has protested against the existence of gross injustice, collusion or fraud. Term used to refer to the clerk`s bank account, where money is deposited by litigants and kept until further notice from the court. We still have this to discover, and this glamour in which we see their age is the one that is offered only by the passage of time. Literally, “telling the truth.” Preliminary examination of potential jurors by the court and lawyers to determine their qualifications to sit on a jury in each case. Also the examination of a witness by a lawyer, the preparation of a formal objection to the witness` testimony or other evidence. to give, to present, to give, to give, to lend, to give means to transmit to another as a possession. GIVE, the general term, applies to any delivery of anything by any means. Give Almos made her ride on a pony Give My Love To Your Mother gift carries a note of formality and ceremony.

A prize donation probably involves a published donation (in terms of charity). Donating a piano to the orphanage involves passing on something like a gift and may indicate condescension on the part of the donor. Giving unwanted advice involves a gracious gift (such as a favor or honor). The award of an honorary title usually involves an award or reward as a natural or legitimate consequence of the donor`s personality. The trees provide shade for a development that gives us some hope Legend. The header of a legal document that lists the parties, the court, the case number and related information. The legal system leaves a great deal of leeway to federal judges because of the difficulty of removing them from office. The minutes of the proceedings and the legal documents drawn up by the applicant and submitted to the Court of Appeal. Lack of scruples.

Doctrine in which the courts may refuse to perform a contract because of an abuse or abuse against a party resulting from the conclusion of the contract or the terms of the contract. An act to give legal authenticity to a registration so that the registration is legally admissible as evidence; Certified copies of public documents are self-authenticating and a certified copy is a certified copy that requires further examination. Jurisdiction – (1) The legal power of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction occurs when two courts have jurisdiction in the same case at the same time. Some issues may be heard in state and federal courts. The plaintiff first decides where to sue, but in some cases, the defendant may try to change courts. 2. The geographical area in which the General Court has jurisdiction to rule on cases. A federal court in a state, for example, can usually rule on only one case arising from acts committed in that state. The separation of a man and a woman effected by the judgment or adoption of a court that either completely dissolves the marriage or suspends its effects to the extent that it concerns the cohabitation of the parties. Judgment – The official decision of a court that definitively determines the respective rights and claims of the parties to a lawsuit. Causality.

The act by which an effect is created. See also “legal cause” and “immediate cause”. Breach of contract. Failure, without legal excuse, to fulfill all or part of the promises made in a contract. Contract. A legally enforceable agreement between two or more competent parties, concluded orally or in writing. Minor benefits used illegally. If a person under the age of 18 is injured on the job and violates a state law regarding minors, that person is entitled to an additional 50% of the compensation rate as additional compensation to be paid by the employer and not by the insurance company. Request for termination, modification or suspension of benefits.

In a workers` compensation case, this is the application filed by the employer or insurance company to modify, suspend or terminate compensation for an injured employee. Dicta. Plural of “obiter dictum”. A judge`s remark in a legal opinion that is not relevant to the decision and does not set a precedent.