
Age of Legality in Japan

However, closing the potentially abusive loophole that allowed women to marry two years younger than men and giving 18-year-olds the opportunity to break with negative family ties can be life-changing. In Japan, students graduate from high school at the age of 17 or 18, and many start working. If the mass of “good” young people follow their carefully planned path, the few in authority are those who have inherited authority, or those who have successfully learned to navigate and play the system for their own benefit, even if they build it. in particular, the low percentage of personality types of the “dark triad”. Pathological psychopaths, Machiavellian opportunists and morphologically defined psychopaths among us. Since “dark triads” tend to be born, not to be born, age. Good education, education and guidance seem to have little impact on the creators of society. The adjustment of the legal age limits for rights and obligations applies above all to more frequent neurotypical adolescents. Bullies come in all age groups. At first, girls were quite divided on whether or not they agreed with lowering adulthood, with the 32% agreeing with the idea of legal adulthood from the age of 18, which was only slightly higher than the 27% who were against. In June 2016, Japan`s vote was reduced from 20 to 18. From the age of 16, Japanese teenagers can get a driver`s license to ride a motorcycle or moped. However, to obtain an “ordinary” driver`s license, the applicant must be at least 18 years old when the final exam is passed.

An 18-year-old can also legally buy a car. ● Apply for bank loans (girls 25%, boys 30%) Children are grouped according to the Japanese school year (which starts from April 1 to March 31). This means that depending on your child`s birthday, the year in which they start school is affected. Children born before April 1 can go to school in the same year they reach the age of 6, but children born after April 2 must enroll the following year if they are close to the age of 7. Fortunately, young students up to the age of 12 can benefit from discounted bus and train fares equivalent to half the price of adult fares, provided they apply with a school pass. On the other hand, young people under the age of 20 will continue to be prohibited from buying cigarettes or alcohol (including in bars and restaurants) or from gambling. Currently, 18-year-old boys and 16-year-old girls can marry with the consent of their parents. As of 2022, any Japanese citizen from the age of 18 can marry without parental consent. While Japan`s revised Civil Code lowers the voting age from 20 to 18 in 2022, the minimum legal age in civil and criminal law remains the same.

The legal age to buy tobacco and alcohol also remains 20 years. For example, Japanese citizens do not reach the age of 20. According to the legislator, the idea is to give more responsibility to young people by involving them earlier in public society, at a time when Japan is going through a demographic crisis. “No, I firmly believe that I should not be given more freedom and responsibility sooner.” A total of 22 related laws setting age requirements will be revised to reflect the lowered adulthood age, according to a 2018 Mainichi newspaper article. The age at which young Japanese are allowed to drink, smoke and bet on state-controlled activities such as horse racing remains 20. Not surprisingly, there are age restrictions in Japan regarding the rental of real estate. The minimum age to rent a property is 18 years old from 1 April 2022, and people under this age must obtain parental consent. In addition, several documents are required to prove that you are able to pay your rent (financially). This ranges from presenting a certificate of eligibility from your school to applying to your parents to become your guarantors. In Japan, growing up is an event worth celebrating! The tradition of Seijin Shiki (成人式, adulthood ceremony) has its origin in the Shinto rituals that mark the transition to adulthood. Seijin no hi (成人の日, Adult Day) is celebrated on the second Monday in January, when young people who reach the age of 20 during the current school year flock to shrines. It is in line with a long-term trend in other countries to raise the minimum age of marriage.

I think it`s fair to say that 16 is too young to make decisions like marriage that can have such massive and long-term consequences, and if you can`t vote until you`re 18, then it makes sense for me to wait until I`m 18 before you can make a big commitment like marriage. Why on earth should HS students be against it?! Not everything changed when the age of adulthood fell to 18. Although you are an adult, in Japan you are not allowed: Oh yes, I forgot – you can keep it simple and do it in the easiest way, the difficult way and then there is the Japanese way. According to the Japanese Penal Code, criminal responsibility begins at the age of 14. For convicted minors between the ages of 14 and 19, the sentence is subject to exceptional conditions. Use your Facebook account to log in or register on JapanToday.