
Bases Legales Del Marco Teorico

Existing legal bases related to the management and promotion of cultural activities in public space. The theoretical framework is the section of a research project, thesis, hypothesis or monograph in which all information is described before the respective topic. It explains theoretically or conceptually each of the foundations, references or bibliographic backgrounds from which this research is based. Through this section, authors can also justify in a coherent and organized way the contribution of their research to the field of knowledge. for q they publish something if it doesn`t have an author, HOW we can know if what they say is true in terms of legal bases if they don`t have support. Will there be someone who can answer that question for me? For qualitative paradigm-oriented research, the theoretical foundations must be developed according to the categorization table. very good information, but. after whom? Could you name an author who defined the legal basis for the research? In this sense, other sources such as Sabino, Tamayo, Arias and Supo believe that an investigation cannot be structured without taking into account all the information at its disposal. That is, the context and legal basis on which a particular topic or area of knowledge is based are essential to address a new theory. For Sabino, (2006) the theoretical framework, “aims at exactly that; provide research with a coordinated and coherent system of concepts and proposals to solve the problem. The above emphasizes that the theoretical framework consists of theoretical elements that relate to the study problem and allow it to acquire its adequate understanding, then define its scope and understand its implications, that is, the theoretical framework is the main basis of the problem, in which the essential aspects of the problem(s) studied must be explained and related to the theory.

the practice and process of research. Depending on the field of research, the information or documentation to be used in the theoretical framework is different for each case. However, looking at the examples below can give you a clearer idea of how to approach this section of research more effectively. According to the previous definition, legal bases are all laws that must be associated with study research, articles must be copied as is, and as an end goal, to paraphrase them with the relationship they have with research. The legal framework provides us with the basis on which institutions are built and determines the scope and nature of political participation. In this vein, Pérez (ob.cit) defines legal bases as “the set of laws, regulations, norms, decrees, etc., which constitute the legal basis of the study” (p.60). Therefore, the concept of legal bases is defined as the series of legal regulations of laws, ordinances, decrees, among others, that relate to the search for studies. To cite the theoretical foundations, we must consider the following: the pyramid of Kelsen, (Ramos, 2011) It is a strict legal method. Types of research methodological frameworks. Definition of the variable system Legal bases of research. Theoretical foundations Structure of a research project Quantitative research Quantitative research “measures what is measurable The analysis of information and research c According to Villafranca D.

(2002) “Legal bases are nothing more than laws that legally support the development of the project”, explains that legal bases “are laws, regulations and standards necessary in some surveys, whose subject is so deserved”. The legal basis for an investigation is supposed to be the legal framework within which the work is carried out. The bibliography of the research methodology does not contain this paragraph. Nor does the UPEL Manual (2016). The reason for this is that it does not add anything to the thesis, it is a request that someone made and stayed there. No one can work outside the Constitution and laws. I conclude that the legal framework does not contribute to the design of research and less to its results. It is high time to simplify at least this point. Legal bases are official documents that prevent both the brand and the participant from all actions related to an online promotion. Thanks to these types of documents, several legal aspects of a competition are described in detail, for example: purpose, date and scope. Palella and Stracruzzi (2017) point out that the legal bases are “the legal regulations that support the study of the Magna Carta, organic laws, resolutions and decrees, among others” (p.55). It is important that the corresponding article number is indicated, as well as a brief description of its content, in order to link it to the research to be developed.

In this aspect, for a better understanding when developing the legal bases, it is advisable to use “The Kelsen Pyramid”, a doctrinal formulation that represents the rule of law. Investigations do not necessarily have a legal basis. This section of the theoretical framework is nothing more than a compilation or glossary of scientific terms that can be used to better understand the current research topic.