
California Foundation Requirements

1807.1.4 Permanent wooden foundation systems. Permanent wooden foundation systems may not be used for structures that are assigned to seismic design category D, E or F.d. For the thickness of the foundation walls, see section 1807.1.6. c. See section 1905 for additional requirements for concrete foundations of structures assigned to seismic design category C, D, E or F. b. The ground underground can be excavated up to the height of the top of the foundation. For structures assigned to seismic design category D, E or F, the stage requirement also applies to the upper surface of the flat beam support walls. The foundations must be reinforced with four rebar No. 4. Two rods must be attached to the top and bottom of the foundations, as shown in Figure 1809.3. Wooden poles must be treated in accordance with AWPA U1 for sawn wood poles (product specification A, use category 4B) and for round wooden poles (product specification B, use category 4B). Recessed wooden piles and poles in direct contact with the ground shall not be used for structures belonging to seismic design categories D, E or F.

1807.3.1 Restrictions. The design procedures described in this section are subject to the following limitations: a. The depth of the foundations must comply with clause 1809.4. Exception: Recessed wooden piles and poles in direct contact with the ground can be used to support uninhabitable and uninhabitable structures such as fences if approved by the building manager. 1809.7 Prescriptive foundations for light frame construction. In the absence of a specific design, concrete or masonry foundations supporting light frame walls may be designed in accordance with Table 1809.7. The mandatory foundations in Table 1809.7 shall not exceed one floor above the level for structures assigned to seismic design categories D, E or F. 1809.3 Stair foundations. The upper surface of the foundations should be flat.

The lower surface of the foundations must have a slope that does not exceed one unit vertically in ten units horizontally (ten percent slope). Foundations should be climbed if it is necessary to change the height of the upper surface of the foundation, or if the floor surface drops more than one unit vertically into ten units horizontally (ten percent slope). (a) Permanent wooden foundation systems. Amend section 1807.1.4 of the California Building Code to read: (1) The friction resistance of walls and structural slabs to silt and clay shall be limited to half of the normal force imposed on the floors by the weight of the booby or slab. PRESCRIPTIVE FOUNDATIONS, THE WALLS IN FAIRCASE CONSTRUCTION a, b, c, d, e (Added by Ordinance No. 2445CCS § 11, adopted on 11/12/13; amended by Ordinance No. 2527CCS § 3, adopted on 22/11/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 4, adopted on 22/10/19).

e. Foundations must be allowed to support a roof extension to the prescribed number of floors. Foundations that only support the roof must be necessary to support a floor. 2. Posts embedded in the ground shall not be used for the lateral support of load-bearing or non-load-bearing materials such as gypsum, masonry or concrete, unless an orthosis is provided to develop the required limited deviation.