
Deakin Legal Professional Practice

We believe that empowering practitioners and lawyers to work more closely together can bring significant benefits, especially at a time of great change and development in legal practice. The aim of the Centre is to promote the use of high-quality scientific work to support development and standards in legal professional practice and training. This is done through career-oriented research and writing, as well as through a series of seminars, conferences and other activities where practitioners and academics can exchange views on professional legal practice. This center has evolved from the role of the City Law School by offering a wide range of high-quality legal education and training as part of a growing and research-active law school. This unit offers students the opportunity to find and complete an approved internship to gain experience in a legal environment. Students develop the ability to apply and deepen their theoretical knowledge of law, improve important written, oral and interpersonal communication skills, and further develop their legal skills and competencies by applying them in a practical legal context. If you are studying the Bachelor of Laws or the Juris Doctor, you will have the opportunity to complete your own internship in a legal environment. Your internship can take place in a private law firm, a municipal law center, a legal advisory team, an in-house team of lawyers, a court, a ministry, with lawyers and mediators, or in research for lawyers. The aim is to enable academic researchers, professional writers, lawyers and others to share their expertise and do so in London, one of the world`s most important legal centres.

This unit includes at least 100 hours of legal work experience. No official presence is required. If you have any questions, please contact the WIL Faculty team at Please use your Deakin email address and include your student ID in all correspondence. Students must have the approval of the unit chair to enroll in this unit and pass six (6) legal units. Some events are organized for specific groups, but where appropriate, events are open to staff and students at the city`s law school, and some events are open to the public. Term 1: PlacementTrimester 2: PlacementTrimester 3: Internship Visit the center`s research microsite for more information about the center, including research areas, projects, and related activities. Please note that all applications are subject to approval by the WIL team. When you are ready to submit a self-purchased investment application, please click on the button below to view step-by-step instructions and download the required documents. Registration only on request. See note below.

Students spend approximately 150 to 200 hours during the term on the unit`s placement, learning and assessment activities. Remunerated and unpaid placements may be made. Legal roles in your current organization can also be trusted. Deakin insurance comprehensively covers students on approved unpaid internships. Can be taken anywhere in Australia or internationally. Please visit the website for more information and how to apply. Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for application deadlines and more information. Work-integrated learning (WIL) units in business and law are by application only and quotas may apply. Obstacle Requirement: Complete the mandatory online introductory modules before the start of the internship. Perform at least 100 hours with an approved host organization.

This unit is reproducible unless it is with the same host or, if it is with the same host, it is a different recognizable placement (e.g., different monitoring and competence).