
Definition of Public Duty

The 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment is an official ceremonial unit of the United States Army and has provided escort to the President of the United States as well as formally for the security of Washington, D.C. [10] The public functions performed by the regiment include ceremonies at the White House, the Pentagon and other national ceremonies in the capital and its neighboring regions. [10] The guard also provides military escorts for military funerals at Arlington National Cemetery and, since 1948, an eternal guard post at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. [10] Other branches of the U.S. Armed Forces also maintain their own units for public tasks in Washington. Public service in Ottawa is officially the responsibility of two regiments of foot guards, the Canadian Grenadier Guards and the Governor General`s Foot Guards; one of its main tasks is to provide guards for public tasks in support of the Canadian government in Ottawa. [2][3] The two regiments of the Foot Guard, along with the Governor General`s Toronto-based Horse Guards, form the Canadian Budget Department. Among the public functions in which these regiments participate include the guard assembly on Parliament Hill; and Rideau Hall, the official residence of the Monarch and Governor General of Canada. The two units are also responsible for setting up the Guard of Honor for the visit of dignitaries. The Canadian Guards also held public office until 1970, when the unit was reduced to zero and placed in the supplementary order of battle. [4] The Berlin Guard Regiment was founded in early 1921. In addition to the actual security tasks, the unit was used for ceremonial public tasks in the capital.

The regiment was disbanded in June 1921 and revived shortly thereafter as command of the guard force. Public functions are performed by the Balaklava Company of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, a single additional company permanently based in Scotland for public service. Since September 2018, the Armenian Defense Ministry`s Honor Guard Battalion has been tasked with performing public functions at the president`s residence in Yerevan, the country`s capital. A pair of ceremonial guards are positioned at two guard boxes in the front part of the residence and replaced during a short guard assembly ceremony and exhibition exercise. Guards are deployed every weekend in the afternoon and evening and on public holidays. [1] A number of other military units of the U.S. National Guard and state militias also maintain units that perform public functions. The Governor`s Guards of Connecticut is another unit that performs public functions for the state, primarily in the capital, Hartford. The company-sized unit, which consists of two foot guard units and two horse watch units, is part of the Connecticut State Guard, a branch of the Connecticut State Militia. [11] The public functions of the Governor`s Guard include the inauguration of the President and Governor, as well as support for commemorative inaugurations, local parades, and Memorial day and Veterans Day celebrations. [12] The Royal Hawaiian Guards is a ceremonial re-enactment unit composed of members of the Air National Guard and was founded in 1963. Public functions performed by the Royal Guards of Hawaii include official state functions involving the Governor of Hawaii and other public functions for the descendants of the House of Kawānanakoa, the descendants of the Hawaiian Royal Family.

The uniforms used by the guards are similar to the uniforms used by the royal bodyguards of the ancient kingdom of Hawaii. In addition to the King`s Guard at Buckingham Palace and St James`s Palace as well as the Tower of London Guard, the public service battalions also provide the Windsor Castle Guard, which is also provided by the windsor battalion. From 1783 to 1973, the Guards provided a night detachment called Bank Picquet for the guard service at the Bank of England. There are two regiments in Denmark that provide soldiers for public duties, the Royal Life Guard Regiment and the Guard Hussar Regiment. The Mounted Squadron of the Guards Hussar Regiment provides mounted escorts to the Royal Family and foreign dignitaries and performs ceremonial services for the Royal Danish Army. a doctrine of tort: a government agency (as a state or municipality) cannot be held liable for violations of a person resulting from the breach by a public servant or employee of an obligation owed to the public as a whole, as opposed to an obligation owed to the person in question, also known as the rule of public duty, See also Doctrine of Special Duty The U.S. Army`s installation, Fort Huachuca, maintains a ceremonial cavalry force known as Force B, 4th Cavalry Regiment. It is one of four remaining ceremonies, parades and public relations in the military. Troop B of the 4th Cavalry Regiment resides in the main post stables and organizes events in the southwestern United States. The soldiers are volunteer soldiers stationed at Fort Huachuca. Before receiving his horse, carabiner and sword, each recruit must attend a riding school of three to four months.

Once the recruit is proficient in the assembled exercises, they must demonstrate knowledge of sword and carabiner/gun accuracy. Only then does the recruit become a soldier and receive a horse. Troop B was specially selected because it was the troop that captured Geronimo in 1886. “The doctrine of public duty provides that a public authority cannot be held liable for the breach of an individual claimant resulting from the breach by a government agent of an obligation owed to the general public and not to the individual claimant.” Public functions at the Citadelle of Québec, a military facility in Quebec City, are performed by the 22nd Royal Regiment. [8] The regiment performs public service at the Citadelle of Québec from the end of June until Labour Day, which falls on the first Monday in September. In 1939, the unit was reorganized into the Greater German Infantry Regiment.[8] Although it was equipped as a field unit, the regiment also maintained a department for public tasks in the capital. The ceremonial guard was commissioned during the July 1944 bombing and helped arrest the conspirators in the capital. The Canadian Armed Forces also maintains a National Guard program where its members perform guard duties at the National War Memorial from early April to November 10, the day before Remembrance Day. [7] The program is formally under the command structure of the Ceremonial Guard, although its volunteers are permitted to wear the ceremonial uniforms of their respective units and services when performing public duties at the National War Memorial. “An obligation may also arise if it has been alleged that the county has undertaken to provide services free of charge or for remuneration, which requires that it have taken a confirmatory act or agreement … “When bringing an action against a public authority, the Court must also take account of the doctrine of public duty.

According to the doctrine of public duty, a government agency has duties to the general public, not to individuals. There is no obligation unless the applicant proves that the Agency owed the injured party a special obligation. The military facility served as a home garrison for the regiment, as well as a secondary official residence for the monarch and Governor General of Canada. [9] The regiment has held public office in the citadel since 1928, with the exception of a short break from 1939 to 1945 due to the Second World War. In 1934 the unit was renamed Wachtruppe Berlin and in 1936 a headquarters and a management company were added.[8] In June 1937, the unit was again renamed Wach-Regiment Berlin. Assignments were now made by individuals, not entire companies, and each man made six months of business trips. The unit provided escorts and honor guards for state visits, conferences, and even the Olympics. The Canadian Army also operates a summer public service known as the Ceremonial Guard, which performs public duties in Ottawa from late June to late August.

[5] The Ceremonial Guard is composed of regular reservists or reservists from the Canadian Army, the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Royal Canadian Navy. [6] The public functions of the Ceremonial Guard include child care at the National War Memorial at Rideau Hall, as well as the Changing of the Guard ceremony on Parliament Hill and the Fortissimo Sunset Ceremony. [5] Members of the Ceremonial Guard wear the uniforms of the Canadian Foot Guard, as they historically occupied the Department of Public Service in the summer prior to the opening of membership in the Ceremonial Guard to the entire Canadian Armed Forces. [6] The Ceremonial Guard is considered an ad hoc division because its members come from different units of the Armed Forces and are not a permanent unit in the order of battle of the Canadian Armed Forces.