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LEGAL NOTICE – ELECTRONIC INVOICE CREDITS in more detail. The service is now offered by SEF – Ministry of Finance of df for taxpayers participating in the incentive program for purchases with invoice. Consumers who participate in the Legal Notice Program can print a card with their full name and CPF, as well as a barcode that can be read directly by the optical devices of the facilities participating in the program. In it, individuals and companies that choose Simples Nacional can recover up to 30% of the ICMS and ISS. To collect credits, it is sufficient for the taxpayer to inform their CPF or CNPJ in the tax document – and all invoices are available for inspection on the program`s website in addition to the Economy DF Application. CONSULT THE LEGAL NOTICE DF: Registration in the legal notice Brasilia and online consultation of the loans of the program of the Financial Secretariat of the df of the invoices issued. Tags: legal notice df, website, invoice df, legal note 2021, redemption, 2022, df farm, legal note registration, legal note brasilia, access, legal note notice, balance, credit, electronic invoice, forgotten password, df, nfe, shopping, brasilia, plus, close. The Legal Notice was created in 2008 to encourage the issuance of invoices. It is a tax education measure that also increases the collection of the tax on the movement of goods and services (ICMS) and the tax on services of any kind (ISS), reduces tax evasion and evasion, and also reduces the informal market. IPTU and IPVA in six times and with 10% discount. It should be remembered that personal data such as CPF, RG and the mother`s name must correspond to the information provided to the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (RFB).

If you still have questions about the Legal Notes program, go to the documents located in the “Questions” tab of the Legal Notes Portal. IPTU and IPVA will benefit in 2022 from a 10% discount for payment in a single quota on the declaration of electrical content and the auxiliary declaration of electrical content. For taxpayers who do not have taxable assets in their name, there is always the option to receive the credits in cash. But the period for this appointment will be in June. Note Df: The service is free. The objective is to make it more agile to insert taxpayers` CPF into the tax document, to avoid errors in filling in these data and to ensure a faster insertion of credits into the program. In order to expedite the referral process, the taxpayer must always keep the registration up to date. New users can participate in the initiative at any time as long as they register through the Legal Note portal. As for the access password, if the taxpayer has forgotten, can be recovered by accessing the address. Information on the monthly calculation system in accordance with Article 320-A of the RICMS The CONSULTATION OF THE DF LEGAL NOTICE can be carried out online on the Internet by computer or mobile phone. If it belongs to a couple and belongs only to one of the spouses, the taxpayer must request the change in the real estate register to insert the partner`s CPF.

To do this, it is necessary to open the application in the df Virtual Income Service by following the steps in the menu: Subject: Legal notice / Type of service: Change of ownership of real estate. The marriage certificate must be attached. For the IPVA, the vehicle must be in the name of the taxpayer, according to the registration of the vehicle in the DMV. In the case of immovable property, the property must be in the name of the taxpayer registered in the immovable property register. AutÃÃónomo, Rural Producer, Fairer, Artisan, Avulsa Invoice, MEI Credit can be used within two years to reduce the value of introducing IPVA or IPTU. Since last year, indebted taxpayers have also been able to make their point before the Treasury. However, if the debts are related to the specified property, compensation for the oldest debts must be offset up to the youngest.