
Free Legal Advice India Online

Is it legally possible to recover the dowry gold given to the bride at the time of marriage because she annulled the marriage which is currently A? Dear customer, You can bring a money recovery action for money recovery. But first, you need to send legal notice to the borrowers, if he/she doesn`t return the money, you can bring a recovery action. Thank you Good answers and wonderful service. Every time I use your portal, I wholeheartedly bless you for creating and maintaining it. It is such a blessing to receive different legal opinions at the click of a mouse. It offers complete privacy. You can use it 24/7. You don`t need to see a lawyer on a HIS schedule. I pray to God that more and more people will use this portal. We believe that the right information will help you make better decisions. At, we provide you with detailed information about lawyers, their areas of expertise and experience so that you can make the right decisions for you. Find your legal solution with the FREE LEGAL ADVICE service on the website where many people have already found the right advice for their needs. One.

You can request the rent arrears increase of 5% increase per year under the terms of the previous agreement if you want to renew the bank`s vacation and license agreement. However, if the bank decides to move to another place, you cannot stop it based on the agreement, if there is an amount in terms of notice period that needs to be paid, then you can ask the bank, but you cannot claim, because the agreement does not legally exist on the current date, So even if you c. Read more A. If you do not want to stay with your husband, you can ask him to divorce amicably, and if he does not agree, you have the option to file a contested divorce, but please note that this invites further disputes over the custody of your child, who will not be healthy for your child at such a young age. Another option you have is to file a maintenance claim against your husband under Article 125 of the 1973 Code of Criminal Procedure and claim maintenance for you and your child. Hood. Our mission is to provide competent, cost-effective and easily accessible online legal advice. Ask a question to get online legal advice from an online lawyer I sincerely appreciate that lawyers took the trouble to type detailed answers meticulously, even before they got to work when we are all busy.

I received excellent advice from a team of experienced lawyers, which would otherwise have cost weeks and much more money. Thank you and your legal team for providing this website. Do you need an immediate solution to your legal problem? You can do this with Lead India`s free legal advice service. You can make your application online on any legal question and answer it instantly by the best lawyers in India for free. lists the country`s top-rated legal experts to help you get practical legal advice and assistance. Wir haben Experten für Strafverteidigung, Eigentumsstreitigkeiten, Familienfragen, Gesellschaftsrecht, IPR und 20 weitere Fachgebiete. Unsere gelisteten Anwälte sind in 700 Städten und 3000 Gerichten in ganz Indien tätig, um Ihnen die erforderliche Beratung und Vertretung für Ihre Rechtsfragen zu bieten. Mein Schwiegervater missbrauchte mich und drohte mir mit bösen Worten, auch sagte er mir, dass er meine Frau (dh seine Tochter) mit einem SC / ST ficken und töten wird. Ich hatte einer Bank ein Mietobjekt für eine Miete von 8000 pm mit 5% Erhöhung für die nächsten fünf Jahre von 2011-2016 gegeben. Somit lag die Miete ab 2016 bei 9724 pm. Die Bank hat mir dasselbe gezahlt bis has been in a relationship with a daughter since 2018.

In 2020, both returned home. After that, the girl lied and gave Rs 7 lakh, the woman`s parents did not allow the woman to come to her in-laws for 8 days, I came in and abused the woman on the phone, taking advantage of what 498A. I have an appeal pending in the Allahabad High Court after being convicted in 2021. Is there a way to make my call heard more quickly? I don`t want to. I am a single girl. Me and a man were in love with each other, but we didn`t get married because of the families. He married someone else and a year later h. You are a registered member.

Please enter your password. I`m 17, my parents are trying to fire me after I`m 18 I have no experience in any field, what are my options? I am a working woman and have been married to a 3 year old son for 7 years. My husband does not support us financially. I don`t stay with in-laws because they are manipulative and have always wronged me.