
How Long Does It Take to Get a Legal Separation in Colorado

If spouses try to get a legal separation in Colorado because they think it might be easier than a divorce, they will be disappointed. A legal separation has the same procedures as a divorce, so it is not an abbreviation, either procedurally or financially. But ultimately, spouses do not have the definitive character of a dissolution and they have a hybrid status in which they are treated as married for some purposes, but divorced for others. It is important to know that in Colorado, there is no difference between legal separation and divorce, except that the parties remain married after the legal separation decree is registered. If a party wishes to divorce after the registration of the judgment of legal separation, only a simple application is required, after which the court issues a judgment on the dissolution of the marriage and the parties are officially divorced. Call CNL Law Firm, PLLC at (720) 370-2171 or fill out our online form to schedule a no-obligation case assessment with our experienced Aurora lawyers today. Legal separation proceedings are very similar to divorce proceedings. It`s usually just the end result that`s different. Since both parties remain legally married, neither party can remarry unless the legal separation is converted into divorce.

This conversion may take place at any time after the expiry of a period of 6 months from the publication of the decree. At the end of the 6 months, the parties may request that the judgment of legal separation be converted into a judgment of dissolution of marriage (divorce). However, a legally separated spouse must wait six months after the separation order has been issued before applying to the court for divorce. This means they must remain legally separated (and cannot remarry) for six months before they can end their marriage completely. When it comes to legal separation in Colorado, there are a few things you need to know. Legal separation and divorce will end your marriage, but they have different legal implications. If you`re considering separating from your spouse, it`s important to understand the differences between legal separation and divorce. There are many important differences between legal separation and divorce in Colorado. Although they are different, the legal process of separation in Colorado is identical to the divorce process. One way to legally end a marriage is to file for divorce, also known as “dissolution of marriage.” After a divorce, both parties are legally single and can enter into a new marriage. Legal separation is not the same as legal separation.

Many couples try to live apart for a while — a trial separation — to see if they are better off without each other. At the end of a trial separation, the parties can decide whether it is time to legally end their marital relationship. If you`re considering a legal separation, you may be wondering if you`re eligible under Colorado law or if you should contact an Aurora legal separation attorney. You are likely to qualify, and having a lawyer by your side can help keep the process running smoothly and your legal rights protected. If you and your spouse decide to divorce, the courts will validly end your marriage at the end of your trial. Instead of just living apart and separating your property, you and your spouse will be legally single. Divorce has an essential legal consequence that legal separation does not have: the freedom to remarry. If you`re legally separated, you technically can`t remarry.

A divorce, on the other hand, officially ends your marriage and allows you to move forward as an individual. In the state of Colorado, there are two ways to end a marital relationship: divorce and legal separation. Divorce officially dissolves your marriage, but the alternative – legal separation – still allows you to get married. Note that the conversion process itself is quick, easy, and inexpensive – it does NOT involve reopening the entire case unless the parties have agreed in the separation agreement to reconsider support or other financial matters related to the conversion (which would be unusual). Instead, the lawyer files a motion for conversion, and the other party can hardly oppose the conversion, and about 4 weeks later, the judge will issue an order declaring the marriage officially dissolved. The three-month waiting period is intended to encourage couples to negotiate the terms of their separation agreement. They must agree on issues such as division of property, alimony, child support and custody. If you are unable to negotiate an agreement, the court will decide on your behalf. After signing the court order, each spouse can live their life apart as long as they abide by the separation agreement. If a spouse decides to divorce, they must wait at least six months after signing the court order. Legal separation is different from divorce. The big difference between divorce and separation in Colorado is that the separation itself does not legally end the marriage.

Only a legal divorce can end a marriage. Spouses who are not divorced cannot remarry. Couples choose separation over divorce for a variety of reasons, including religious, insurance, tax, military or professional benefits, test the water for a divorce, avoid the possible stigma of divorce and many others. You don`t need to hire an attorney if you`re filing for divorce or legal separation in Colorado. However, divorce and legal separation have long-term financial and legal consequences. To protect your legal and financial interests, it is best to consult a family law lawyer. There is another process that you and your spouse must follow to obtain a divorce decree in relation to the legal separation. If you have any doubts about your decision or how to proceed, talk to a Colorado divorce attorney. This list of frequently asked questions can help you decide if legal separation or divorce is right for you. A separation agreement used in both divorce and legal separations.

It may include information about custody, division of property, and other important topics. Preferably, you and your spouse can work on it together – so you keep important decisions out of the hands of the judge and under your control. When choosing a legal separation or divorce in Colorado, it is very important to choose the right family attorney for your case and situation. It is beneficial to have a consultation with the lawyer first to ensure that they are a good match. You can learn more about the process and the differences between legal separation and divorce, and what is the best option for you and your personal situation. Legal separation and divorce are two different things in Colorado. If you are legally separated from your spouse and want to divorce instead, there is a process to turn your separation into a divorce. Here are the main differences between legal separation and divorce and how you can change the former for the latter.

If you have any questions or concerns about your separation from your spouse, please contact Goldman Law. Our experienced lawyers will be happy to advise you on a fair and smooth separation or divorce. So what is legal separation? What is the purpose of one? Spouses are still technically married for certain purposes, such as certain health plans (especially state or military), insurance, and military benefits.