
How Significant Is the Role of the Paralegal to a Law Firm

Good organizational skills are required for a paralegal. Attention to detail makes all the difference in all legal interactions. In this profession, there is no room for error. Although they are not called to the bar (except for those who have obtained a law degree), paralegals often perform legal tasks that are also performed by lawyers. Under the supervision of an experienced lawyer, they can maintain their own case and perform work that would otherwise have been done by an associate lawyer. This is one of the most important skills in the practice of law: building an effective work team to serve clients in the best possible way and make a profit. Paralegals can be a key part of this team, particularly in promoting profitability. The information in this section is intended to help you make effective use of paralegals in your practice. If you are ready to start a career as a paralegal, fill out the form on this page. For those who are still on the fence, read on to learn more about this exciting career. Paralegals play an important role in the legal system, and there is a slow but definite trend towards increased use of paralegals in the delivery of legal services. One of the main reasons for the increase in the incarceration rate has been the war on drugs, which has changed legislation, resulting in harsher penalties for addicts.

According to the Drug Policy Alliance, trends in drug-related arrests increased sharply in the 1980s, when the federal government declared war on drugs. “The number of people behind bars for non-violent drug offences increased from 50,000 in 1980 to more than 400,000 in 1997.” In the late 1980s, political hysteria over drugs led to the adoption of harsh sentences that rapidly increased the number of prisoners. We are still seeing the effects of these harsher prison sentences today. This increase in drug-related arrests has contributed to an increased need for legal aid and paralegals. In the guide below, we outline what lawyers need to know about what paralegals can and cannot do. We`ll also explain how paralegals can help your law firm become more efficient while providing better client-focused service. While the paralegal profession began in law firms, today paralegals work in most businesses and commercial organizations such as banks, insurance companies, and health care organizations. The government is also a major employer of paralegals. Paralegals may work in the legal departments of corporations or government agencies, or in a law firm. In all settings, paralegals prepare and maintain records.

This requires paralegal accuracy skills, attention to detail, excellent organizational skills, and knowledge of computer databases and paper filing systems. Regardless of the nature of a file, a paralegal must find information in a filing system, in part because counsel may need to provide copies of the contents of a file to the court or opposing counsel. The changing legal environment has presented many challenges for day-to-day legal practice at all levels. Most law firms are inundated with cases that require the expertise of highly trained staff dedicated to assisting their professionals. Well-trained paralegals take on this role by performing tasks that assist lawyers in their day-to-day practice. As a paralegal, you are eligible for many different support roles. Although you will assist a lawyer with legal obligations, some activities are not permitted by law. For example, a paralegal cannot represent a client in court or provide legal advice. Paralegals can help with a number of other important legal obligations, but legal advice should never be given except by a lawyer. A paralegal is not responsible (or authorized) to determine the fees charged by a lawyer.

Processing client files does not have to take up much time for lawyers. By leveraging tools like Clio Manage`s case management capabilities, law firms can streamline and automate redundant tasks while making it easier for employees to collaborate on client files. This allows paralegals to seamlessly assist in organizing and reviewing client files on behalf of a supervising lawyer. Today, paralegals play a vital role in the delivery of legal services. Depending on the company or organization, tasks may include: Both companies typically hire paralegals to join the company. What the paralegal position at Legalzoom does: Hiring a paralegal or team of paralegals can help improve the efficiency of your law firm while providing better client-centric service to your clients. As you explore the possibility of becoming a paralegal, you may be wondering what a paralegal does? There are a number of common tasks that a paralegal could be responsible for. One of the many important tasks is to help lawyers prepare for trials.

To do this, a paralegal may need to do legal research and gather information for the trail. Although paralegals are knowledgeable and spend time communicating with clients, they are not lawyers. Therefore, paralegals should never give legal advice. When interacting with clients, they must communicate in a way that is not considered or interpreted as legal advice. Consider using these legal technology tools to help your law firm and paralegals save time and be more efficient in legal research. Paralegals are in demand, according to the United States. Bureau of Labour Statistics. From 2018 to 2028, growth of 12% is forecast. Paralegals are an indispensable resource for busy lawyers and other legal entities. The idea of using paralegals in the legal industry was first introduced in 1960 and gained popularity in the following decades. It is estimated that more than 325,000 paralegals are employed in the legal industry today.

Some of the tasks assigned to paralegals are to work with clients dealing with parents` estates by gathering information about estate inventories and assisting with the distribution of assets. They also work with clients on estate planning. This requires excellent communication and social skills. By delegating support and non-billable legal tasks to a paralegal, you can increase the efficiency of law firms in several ways. Assigning specific tasks to your paralegals will allow them to focus and excel in these areas. For example, a qualified paralegal can excel at legal research quickly and efficiently, especially if it is one of their day-to-day tasks. While your paralegal takes away support duties, you can spend more time on billable work. Overall, the law firm becomes more productive. Using a paralegal to help you with legal tasks not only makes you more efficient, but also saves you (and your clients) money. Since paralegals charge lower prices than you as a lawyer, delegating certain tasks to them means lower total costs for your firm`s services.

When you pass those savings on to customers, you deliver a more positive customer experience – it`s a win-win situation. Paralegals, depending on the experience and duties required, are often hired to handle the practice`s client service, often as the lawyer`s spokesperson. They gather all information, facts, and evidence, conduct conversations with clients, communicate with courts and other law firms, and often take on office management duties. Paralegals are often highly qualified individuals with specific knowledge to assist and assist lawyers at all stages from admission to settlement, but they have a limited scope of what they can and cannot do alone and in a law firm. They are often tasked with assessing a case upon admission and gathering information to decide whether it is a case that would require legal advice and representation. Paralegals and legal assistants are increasingly performing not only traditional paralegal duties, but also some of the tasks previously assigned to legal secretaries. In addition, paralegals may be a more cost-effective alternative to lawyers, although they perform a variety of tasks that were once performed by junior lawyers. Paralegals are usually assigned specific tasks based on their performance, experience and knowledge. You should hire those who carry phrases of knowledge in different areas and surround your practice with such supportive and knowledgeable people.

The hiring lawyer always takes full responsibility for the paralegal`s actions. It is important to have good communication skills and a close relationship with your paralegal to ensure that the tasks you assign are what you want and do not compromise your practice and license. Lawyers must also recognize that paralegals are their line of support and value their role and that they must treat them properly and appropriately. I often hear paralegals leave a firm to be treated or perceived in this way. A lawyer`s attitude and manners towards their support staff are paramount and often essential to a successful practice. Typical duties of a paralegal include: According to the National Academy of Sciences, the rate of incarceration of prisoners in U.S. prisons has quadrupled since 1972. The total number of prisoners in 2012 was 2.23 million, the highest in the world. The largest increase has been seen in federal prisons, where they house people for federal crimes such as theft, fraud, drugs, guns and immigration. This increase in detention has increased the need for more lawyers, lawyers, public defenders and paralegals. Lawyers look for facts to support their point in a case and rely on paralegals to do much of the work.

A car accident case requires a paralegal to meet with a client and record a lot of information about the client and the accident. They may also request many supporting elements of the client`s file, including a traffic accident report, photos of vehicle damage, accident investigator statements, and the client`s medical records.