
Hse Legal Register Malaysia

The regulatory system of each country is constantly evolving, so the development of an HSE legal register is certainly not a task to be done once and forgotten, but a task that requires regular review and updating. This means regularly checking new laws and regulations and updating the registry if necessary. There are several ways to get an HSE legal registry for your business, including DIY, hiring a consultant, or using the services of one of the many web-based HSE legal registry providers. Each has its advantages and disadvantages: the initiative has been adopted by 2,000 companies, 500 national, regional and global organizations and more than 500 OSH trainers worldwide. In Malaysia, nine organizations are registered as Vision Zero partners, including SOCSO, the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the University of Malaysia and the Malaysian Society for Occupational Safety and Health. Malaysia will join other countries in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia, including Singapore and Thailand, which have launched Vision Zero. Participation in the Vision Zero initiative enables Malaysian institutions and companies to join a global movement to promote occupational safety and health and thereby improve occupational health and safety in their organizations. The first step is to develop a generic template and format for the HSE Legal Registry. There are really no restrictions on how this can be done. But my experience is that the simpler, the better. I prefer to use an Excel spreadsheet for the registry, but they can also be written in MS Word, in a database like MS Access, or even on flashcards if you`re old school! Thank you for your comments.

I fully agree with your approach. Developing your own registry is tedious and time-consuming, but I think it`s worth it as a meaningful learning experience. A third-party review is then a very good idea as an exam. In next week`s blog post, I address the issue of compliance with legal requirements, which is the natural consequence of the registry development process. Feel free to contact me at and we can continue to chat offline. Greetings. You will find that some articles are very specific to a single HSE topic and/or requirement, while others are general in nature or have many different subsections related to different topics and/or requirements. In each case, name each article and the specific clause(s) related to HSE requirements and note them in the Summary worksheet. Take a look at some examples from the Afghanistan Register below: Thank you for your valuable suggestions for the development of a legal register. Myself Alex, GE Corporate`s EHS regulatory expert in the MENAT region.

I have developed many legal registries for different countries in the MENAT region through the development process you explained above and validated each registry with a 3rd EHS expert for content, quality and efficiency before distributing internally. Feel interesting to chat with you to discuss further. Admittedly, I have exaggerated the simplicity of drawing up such a register. A legal registry for Afghanistan was as simple as it is – due to the lack of laws and regulations – and yet even it takes a lot of time and effort to create. The time and complexity would increase many times for those creating a registry from scratch for a more developed country with more comprehensive HSE laws and regulations. But if you have the time, desire, and expertise, I encourage you to do it yourself, as you will learn a lot and gain considerable knowledge that will be useful for your career. A CORE Country Legal Registry is an inventory of a country`s health and safety laws and regulations relating to a thematic scope that applies to an office, retail or service sector. Laws are presented in the form of a list of formal legal citations, and each legal citation has a descriptive summary of the law or regulation. The description includes: (i) the scope and objectives of the Act and a general description of the key requirements; (ii) possible penalties for infringement; and (iii) the applicability of the law. The register is presented bilingual (national language and English), is organised by theme, can be consulted by keywords, offers tailor-made reports and is also linked to the full text of the legislation on a publicly accessible website. I am currently working on our company`s legal register and I found this information very convenient.