
Indian Army Law Book in Hindi

Download the free Kindle app and instantly read Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, no Kindle device required. Read more (h) Leave your commanding officer or security guard, picket, patrol or team from their post without or without being regularly dismissed in times of conflict or 20. (1) [The Chief of Army Staff may, subject to the provisions of this Act, dismiss or dismiss any person who is not an officer.—imprisonment if convicted by the military court for the duration of the offences set forth in paragraphs (d) and (e) for a period of up to two years, and for offences specified in other clauses; for a period of up to ten years or subject to the obligation to undergo the minor penalty provided for in this Act. (g) If he has been ordered to attend a school, he must refrain from doing so without the authorization of his superior or without the appropriate authority; 19. Maintenance of service by the central government. Subject to the provisions of this Law and the rules and regulations made thereunder, the Central Government may dismiss or dismiss any person subject to this Act. (2) The form of oath or assurance prescribed in this section shall include the promise that the person to whom the oath is to be taken is faithful to the statutory Constitution of India, that he will serve in the regular army and that he will be ordered to go by land, sea or air wherever he may be; and that he will obey all the orders of one of his officers, even at the risk of his life. 21. The power to modify certain fundamental rights in the application of a person subject to this Act, subject to the provisions of any law now in force concerning the regular army or any of its branches, shall be granted to the Central Government, subject to this Act, the right of any person appointed by its xx. “Provo-marshal” means the person appointed as such under Article 107: and any other person of the Assistants who lawfully exercises authority under or on his behalf shall be subject to him. (xii) “junior commissioner” means a person who holds a commissioner who serves or is employed as a junior commissary officer in the regular army or reserve force of India and a person who holds a junior commission in the Indian Supplementary Reserve Force or the Territorial Army, subject to the provisions of this Act; (xi) “force” means the regular army, navy, air force or part thereof; (3) The fact that the accused has taken or confirmed the oath referred to in this section shall be included in the accused`s application and authenticated by the signature of the officer who took the oath or made the declaration.

(d) failing to promptly inform his commanding officer or any other senior officer if he knows or has reason to believe that such rebellion or intention to commit such rebellion or conspiracy exists; or (4) such a complaint must be filed in such manner as may be determined from time to time by the competent authority. 18. Period of service in accordance with law. Every person subject to this Act shall remain in office until it pleases the President. (2) Any person charged under this Act who is dismissed and serves outside India at the time of his release shall be returned to India at full speed. 3. Any official to whom such a complaint is lodged shall carry out a thorough investigation or, if necessary, forward the complaint to the higher authority in order to give full satisfaction to the complainant. 47. Abuse of a subordinate. An officer, subordinate commissary, warrant officer or unassisted officer who criminalizes a person below that rank or who misbehaves in any other manner shall be punished by a military court with imprisonment not exceeding seven years or with a minor penalty.

which is specified in this law, are subject to the duty of suffering.