
Is Arxiv Legal

As soon as a work is announced, it becomes part of the permanent scientific file. Although arXiv reserves the right to remove content, arXiv will only consider removal requests if the submitter did not have the right to accept the license. Although arXiv is legally based at Cornell University and funded by the US-based Simons Foundation and an international consortium of academic institutions, Kohls says, “Our researchers believe arXiv belongs to the scientific community.” Metadata for arXiv is available through OAI-PMH, the standard for open access repositories. [37] The content is therefore indexed for all large data consumers such as BASE, CORE and Unpaywall. In 2020, the unpaywall dump links more than 500,000 arxiv URLs as an open access version of a work found in publishers` CrossRef data, making arXiv one of the top 10 global Green Open Access hosts. Submissions to arXiv must be the original work of the author and/or authors must have the legal authority to grant the selected license. Authors must ensure that the submission does not infringe a person`s copyright to the best of their knowledge and belief. arXiv does not accept works that contain verbal comments of references, plagiarized content or other works excluded by the copyrights of third parties. Often, PDFs found on publishers` websites or provided as evidence are the property of the publisher, who often owns the copyright and/or authorizes their use. Submission of PDF files with copyright notices that prohibit or interfere with arXiv`s redistribution license will be rejected.

If explicit permission for open access redistribution is granted, it is allowed. Users should contact arXiv administrators in if they have any questions. arXiv is a moderated and freely accessible repository for scientific articles in specific scientific disciplines. Papers submitted to arXiv should be of interest, relevance, and value to these disciplines. arXiv reserves the right to reject or reclassify submissions. Articles can be submitted in any of many formats, including LaTeX, and PDFs can be printed from a word processor other than TeX or LaTeX. The submission will be rejected by arXiv software if the generation of the final PDF file fails, if an image file is too large, or if the total size of the submission is too large. arXiv now allows you to save and edit an incomplete submission and only finish it when it`s ready. The timestamp of the item is set when the submission is complete. perpetual, non-exclusive license This license gives arXiv limited rights to distribute the item and also reuses of any kind by other companies or individuals. If an author has a catalogue of works that they would like to submit to arXiv, we ask them not to submit more than three contributions per day. CC BY: Creative Commons Attribution This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt and build on the material on any medium or format, as long as the attribution is given to the author. The license allows commercial use. It should also be noted that these people do not submit to arXiv instead of peer-reviewed journals, but in addition. This is perfectly acceptable by the standards of most journals in mathematics and physics. There are many peer-reviewed outlets for their work and they use it. Just look at their resume. It began as a physics archive, called the LANL Preprint Archive, but quickly expanded to include astronomy, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, and more recently, statistics. Its original domain name was

Due to LAN`s lack of interest in the rapidly growing technology, Ginsparg moved to Cornell University in 2001 and changed the repository`s name to [13] It is now primarily hosted by Cornell, with five mirrors around the world. [14] Copyright © 2021 Dark Cosmos (Enrique Gaztanaga) – All rights reserved. There`s a common refrain among physicists: “If it`s not on arXiv, it doesn`t exist.” In other words, for a wide range of research disciplines, arXiv has become indispensable, part of the scientific process itself. For researchers who use it, arXiv is part of their daily workflow: they can browse new releases with their morning coffee, submit an article at lunchtime, and download reading material in the evening. This disproportionate role testifies to the success of arXiv, but also shows that the problems of the frame of reference are not only his, but also those of science. Articles submitted to arXiv must be original research, new, and independent, and there is a practical limit to the speed at which appropriate independent submissions can be created by a single person. We may ask a particular author to limit their submission rate.

The most important thing is to know if peer-reviewed journals in your field accept publication of your article if it has already been published on arXiv. To give a concrete example, for about a year I have been working in such a new field that most relevant research is still only available on arXiv. I expect these articles to appear in journals at some point, but the slow peer review process means that the latest issues of journals are not state-of-the-art for that particular topic. Conferences have a faster peer review cycle and are more up-to-date, but most publish relatively short papers. Part of your question seems to be, “Why do some researchers submit to arXiv while others don`t?” CC Zero is a public dedication tool that allows creators to waive their copyrights and make their works public domain worldwide. CC0 allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt and build on hardware on any medium or format without conditions. There are different types of licenses available, which are listed below. For all licenses here, with the exception of CC Zero, the original copyright holder retains ownership upon publication on arXiv. Founded three decades ago, arXiv pioneered the open access movement, providing a fast, free, and digital service to share research results. This value became very clear in 2020, when the pandemic made the speed of research a matter of life and death. arXiv now has more than 5,400 COVID-19 submissions. Since moderators do not have time to conduct a full peer review for each submission, arXiv has a policy of not elaborating on its rejections.

“We don`t want to argue,” says Sigurdsson. It`s possible to appeal a refusal or misclassification, but the process is lengthy – essentially, it replicates the peer-review effort just to be published on a preprint server. Hello, my name is Enrique Gaztanaga. I am a research professor at the Institute of Space Science (CSIC, IEEEC). I teach graduate courses in cosmology and have co-edited hundreds of peer-reviewed publications in cosmology and astrophysics. I work on both theoretical and observational topics and have helped set up and analyze several international cosmic experiments. I am writing this blog to bring the research of interested readers to the forefront and question our knowledge of the universe around us. I would caution against rules such as “I shouldn`t cite papers on arXiv because they are not peer-reviewed.” Peer review does not guarantee robust, high-quality research, and the opposite is not true. You should critically evaluate each article, whether peer-reviewed or not, based on its individual merits.

(See also this related question on Math Overflow.) Now I`m reading material posted on arXiv by someone I don`t know very well. I am still not 100% convinced of the “quality” of the article, i.e. the scientific accuracy of the theoretical and experimental results. But I believe that in the future, I would be more open to using documents on arXiv if I could understand the motivation behind filing with arXiv, i.e. if they are simply low-quality documents without any other place accepting them. “We are a way for authors to communicate their research results quickly and freely,” says Steinn Sigurdsson, professor of astrophysics at Pennsylvania State University and scientific director of arXiv. Unlike traditional scientific journals, arXiv (pronounced “archive” because the “X” stands for the Greek letter chi) allows scientists to share research results before they have been peer-reviewed. Files on arXiv can have different copyright statuses:[38] The search sharing platform now host more than 2 million articles. Since engineering is not on this list, it would be an excellent reason for most engineering researchers not to publish their work on arXiv.