
Ist Legal

I just received an email from Automatic Renewal Agreement. I would suggest taking out legal expenses insurance. This saves you costs and you get free consultations. I did the same thing. I consulted a lawyer before paying. He advised me to pay the bill and let it go. Hiring a lawyer to defend an international case costs 100 times more than the debt they demand. And the same goes for them. They would never pursue you, they were just threats. But I also paid them to remove them from my back because I`m very scared. In addition, the customer guarantees that he can receive emails from, i.e.

specifically from the domain “”. If the customer uses anti-spam software or an email service with such a function, he will configure it accordingly. The Customer also agrees that the Service Provider may send messages and information by e-mail or post via the function of the Subscription Service. I am a victim of Usenet. I cancelled their subscription with PayPal the first day because their service is terrible. Time wasted logging in. A few months later, I received an email from them saying I owed them $99 because the subscription had not been cancelled. I sent them a copy of the termination letter from PayPal stating that all agreements with Usenet had been terminated. It was a confirmation for me that the subscription had been cancelled because I had canceled all the subscriptions I had with PayPal more than PayPal. Anyway.

Another month passes and I receive a letter written from TESCHINKASSO, apparently a German debt collection agency, saying: Dear Paul, It is hereby announced that S.r.l., 47895 Domagnano, has entrusted us with the collection of outstanding debts. According to the documents we have submitted, our client has fulfilled its contractual obligations to you. Our client has properly provided his services and has provided you with his bank statement. Unfortunately, you have not paid the outstanding balance in full despite repeated reminders from our customer. You are already significantly late in payment. So now I have to pay 165 EUR. It`s ridiculous, they scam people in PayPal subscriptions and if you cancel it with PayPal, it`s not enough. The collection agency also threatened me that if I did not make a payment by a certain date, legal action would be taken.

Can anyone answer who had a similar case and if they actually sued you with a lawyer or if this is another scam that the company has set up? (1) If the customer uses a plan with a money-back guarantee, he has the right to withdraw from the contract within the first 30 days after the conclusion of the contract without stating reasons. I had similar problems with Usenet providers Usenext and Usenet NL trying to charge an annual subscription upfront. As they have not yet provided the service, their legal and debt collection threats are based on highly questionable legal bases. The terms and conditions state that if you do not cancel, you will be charged for one year of service. However, if they go to court, they cannot claim that they provided the service because they did not. In my case, I received threatening mail, then postal mail. Emails to them were ignored, so I did the same and ignored theirs. Usenext has stopped harassing me now, 18 months later. Usenet NL always harasses me and I ignore them. I would like to go to court and show that they cannot charge fees for something they did not provide.

This is contract fraud. I need advice. I didn`t pay for Usenet. They are now charging me a compromised severance package of 132 euros, which I have to pay by February 28, 2017, otherwise they will take “new legal action” against me. Will they take legal action against me if I don`t pay? I am afraid they will take me to court. I don`t have the money to pay them. HELP! My experience is similar to the above. I had a recurring annual payment to UseNext via PayPal which I cancelled. After that, they deprived me of access, as I expected. After about a month, I decided I wanted to access their service after all, so I opened another account and paid an annual subscription. Now they are asking for another year of money for the original account I terminated, and continue to add legal fees, etc. I don`t think they have any intention of suing me, because they keep extending their so-called deadlines.

More than seven months have passed since their first application. You can send reminders and threats for years for anything I`m interested in; You won`t get a penny more from me. I paid for a year of service and I refuse to pay double to this bunch of shy people. Clearly a shady company and best avoided. I am also a victim. I paid $ 1 for this “free trial” yesterday and tried to cancel it yesterday and today, only to find out through these reviews that it`s a scam. And the biggest problem is that I didn`t pay with PayPal, but with my ABN AMRO bank account. So I sent an email to ABN AMRO services to find out how to prevent future direct debits from my account after this subscription expires (14-11-2019). Please comment on this approach to the situation. Hi, I used to play Age of Empire on my old PC so much that it was the bad game at the time.