
Job Related Legal Advice

In Texas, effective September 1, 2021, all employers, regardless of size, will be subject to sexual harassment laws. Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual behaviour and language in the workplace and can include sexual assault. For more information on unlawful sexual harassment, including how to file a complaint, click here. Cases in which the employee is dismissed for an unjustified reason: discrimination or refusal to commit an illegal or dangerous act, to exercise trade union rights, to be a disability due to pregnancy, for example. While employers have the right to terminate their employment for any reason in many circumstances, there are specific restrictions on this right. Unjustified termination takes into account these limited scenarios. Sexual harassment, including gender shortages and harassment based on gender stereotypes (more information can be found here). As of 01.09.2021, sexual harassment is illegal for all employers in Texas, regardless of size. To learn more about our experience in employment litigation and our ability to protect your interests in the facts of your case, contact the California employee attorneys at Blumenthal, Nordrehaug & Bhowmik in California for free legal advice. 1. Why do I need a lawyer to resolve an employment issue? Discrimination in the workplace is absolutely illegal. If you believe you have been discriminated against, there are remedies, both in your workplace and beyond.

If you or someone you know has been abused by an employer, please contact us immediately. You deserve to have someone by your side to protect your rights. Call our California employment lawyers today to discuss your legal options. Under federal and Texas law, it is illegal for employers of at least 15 employees to discriminate against employees or applicants based on gender. Unlawful gender discrimination also includes: To fully enforce state and federal laws aimed at protecting workers from illegal actions by their employers, you`ll need an attorney in many situations where you have a serious problem with your employer and need to file a lawsuit. Most lawyers who represent workers do so because they understand that non-unionized workers are relatively powerless against employers. It is often illegal for an employer to retaliate against an employee who has sought or defended their rights, for example: There are a number of different labour disputes, each involving unique legal principles and concerns. Qualified employment lawyers know how to handle a variety of labor disputes and use their extensive legal experience to develop compelling and comprehensive arguments. Cases where the employer retaliates negatively against the employee simply because he has exercised his legal rights. For example, the law prohibits an employer from retaliating against an employee who formally files a complaint of discrimination with government authorities.

Cases of retaliation can cause significant damage, so it is worth pursuing them if possible. If it may be illegal for your employer to fire you Not all dismissed individuals are entitled to a lawsuit for wrongful dismissal, but sometimes employers dismiss employees for illegal reasons such as: If you are an employee who resigns and you have been the victim of illegal behavior – discrimination, harassment or retaliation – and you resign, This may be a more difficult question. whether the courts will allow you to go to court. This has to do with what we call in California the “constructive dump.” Without becoming too legal, constructive dismissal is the court or jury will determine whether someone around you had no choice but to stop that a reasonable person in your situation had to stop or face further discrimination, harassment or retaliation. Our experience in identifying and pursuing workplace rights claims can help you obtain compensation on an individual basis or as a member of a defined group of claimants. For more information about your California employment litigation, contact our San Diego employment lawyers, San Francisco employment lawyers, or Los Angels labor attorneys for free legal advice. If you delay contacting a lawyer, you don`t know what you could do to prevent your situation from escalating, and you may not properly document events when they occur. Since it is your responsibility to prove an illegal ground such as discrimination or reprisal, you must document the evidence that supports your allegations. If you fail to document events as they occur, you may not have the evidence needed later to prove your case. You need documents or a witness to confirm facts and events. If it`s your word against your manager`s word, it will be very difficult to prove your claim. This is illegal and is known as wage theft.

Here are some examples of salary theft: The following links have been inserted to provide Section members with quick links to free employment and employment law Internet resources to assist lawyers who provide pro bono support to individuals requiring employment and employment law services. “If the employee works in a small business and the director of the company is the party involved, I would suggest the employee seek advice, as the next step would be to file an administrative complaint with the federal or state government,” Levitt says. This would be the first step outside the company. “This agency then investigates and determines if there is sufficient evidence to establish a violation and helps the employee prepare an appropriate claim or charge.” Under federal and Texas law, it is illegal for employers of at least 15 employees to discriminate against an employee or applicant based on their religion, including religious clothing and grooming practices. The law protects persons who belong to organized religions, as well as persons with sincere religious, ethical or moral convictions. In many cases, employers must make so-called “reasonable arrangements” for an employee`s religion, such as flexible hours, shift changes, or changes to workplace policies. Changes in the work environment, unless it is very difficult or costly for the employer. If you feel you are treated differently because of your ethnicity, race, gender, age, religion or disability, you may have a class action. This is unlawful discrimination and you can and must hold your employer accountable for your discrimination.

Harassment makes people feel unsafe at work. The act of harassment can include anything from unwanted sexual advances to threats or attacks and more. Even making abusive jokes, being ridiculed and letting people use insults against you is harassment and illegal in the workplace. This creates a hostile work environment for people. Your employer does not have the legal authority to punish or retaliate against you if you are involved in a lawsuit against them. This is unacceptable behaviour that can be punished. Although you have the law on your side, this does not necessarily prevent your employer from taking retaliatory action. Our California labor lawyers will not tolerate this abuse. Here are some of the common ways employers retaliate: Many other types of reprisals can be illegal; These are just a few examples. You can talk to a lawyer about your particular situation. You can seek advice from a lawyer. You should be aware that discrimination is only illegal if it is based on a protected category that you cannot change (such as those mentioned above).

It is generally not illegal for an employer to gamble, be friends or be rude as long as the behavior is not due to one of the categories listed above or another protected category. Discrimination in the Workplace This website refers you to local legal aid on issues related to discrimination in the workplace. (Select your country or enter your zip code to get specific information about the region where you live.) Under federal and Texas law, it is illegal for all employers to discriminate against an employee or candidate based on the employee`s race or the color of the applicant`s or worker`s skin (for example, because the employee has dark or light skin). Racial discrimination can occur at the same time as discrimination based on colour. An employer could also unlawfully discriminate against workers of the same race and skin color. If you have been involved in a labour dispute, you may be entitled to substantial damages under the law. Unfortunately, many potential plaintiffs do not realize they have an actionable claim, or delay or fail to be represented. This is a missed opportunity – employers are often willing to negotiate a settlement to avoid the public nature of a lawsuit. Clients often ask whether, as an injured employee, they are entitled to benefits other than workers` compensation.

First, it`s important to understand that you can generally only receive one type of benefit at a time if a workers` compensation claim has been filed. If you have a claim under California workers` compensation and they pay you benefits for the most part, this will be your benefit related to that violation. A website that brings together legal and legal blogs. COVID-19 vaccine rights, COVID-19 prevention measures and reasonable precautions It is generally illegal for an employer who falls under labour laws that prohibit discrimination to terminate or retaliate against an employee for requesting or attempting to exercise their rights. For example, it`s generally illegal to take revenge on workers who: “An employment lawyer handles all aspects of employment,” says lawyer and shareholder Mark Levitt of Allen, Norton and Blue. It can be discrimination, pay and hours of work, safety issues under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, anything related to employment. Without early legal help, you may not be willing to respond to the employer`s reason for your poor review or dismissal.