
La Multibanca Base Legal Deformas Operativas Y Bancos De Desarrollo

In the area of banking supervision, we contribute to the well-being of the country by ensuring the stability of the system and the protection of the rights of financial users. We are committed to providing efficient and timely service to our advisors and their clients in accordance with the applicable legal framework. We are committed to excellence through©the continuous improvement of our processes, for which we have highly qualified and innovative employees. Second, credit institutions with the characteristics of commercial banks emerged, under the supervision and control of the Secretary©of State for Finance and Trade, now called the Ministry of Finance, who has auditors in each bank appointed by the executive branch to exercise control. In accordance with Article 19 of Law No. 183-02, Money and Finance of 21. November 2002, the surplus of Banâcos has the following functions: to carry out in full functional autonomy the surplus of companies of financial interest in order to verify the compliance by these companies with the provisions of this Law, these regulations, instructions and circumstances; require sequencing of projects to cover risks; require regulation of non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations; and the laws of the Member States. The year ± 1947 marked the transformation of the Dominican financial system with the creation of the Dominican monetary unit, the central bank and banking supervision. In accordance with Law No. 1530 of 9. October 1947, which established that the application and administration of the legal system of banks is the responsibility of banking supervision under the Secretary of State for Treasury and Public Credit©, now the Ministry of Finance, thus laying the foundations for the supervision and regulation of the Dominican financial system©. The first signs of banking regulation in the Dominican Republic can be seen with the founding of Banco Nacional de Santo Domingo, S.A.

in 1869±. In 1909, the Dominican state enacted the first general banking law, which established specific regulations for mortgage banks, issuers and restructuring banks. The Bank`s activities are supported by operational mechanisms, such as: Economist Virgilio Ãlvarez Sánchez was the first Superintendent of Banks, a position he held for two ± years. In principle, the task of supervising ± of this unit was very simple, given the limited business operations of the time©, and its main function was to authorize new bank branches. The objectives of the Bank`s relations with sub-regional financial organizations are primarily aimed at supporting regional integration efforts. In this context, the Bank`s specific objectives are: ADDITIONALITY. This approach assumes that the Bank`s technical and financial support has a multiplier effect in the subregion. In other words, the Bank`s participation in financial and technical assistance to subregional institutions should help to promote their participation and integration into international capital markets.

CREDIT OPERATIONS FOR SUBREGIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Financing programmes with subregional financial institutions that meet the criteria of coherence, complementarity and additionality may be: In 1965, Law No. 1530, which gave rise to banking supervision, was amended and replaced by Law No. 708, General Banking Law, of 14 April 1965. Subsequently, on 3 February 1967, by decree of the Executive, Regulation No. 934 “Rules of Procedure of Banking Supervision” was published, the content of which defined the functions of the banking supervisor and the general organization of banking supervision, as well as the formal organizational structure. Similarly, with the enactment of this Act, the Superintendent of Banks becomes ex officio a member of the Monetary Committee. As a result of the rapid growth of the financial system, both institutional and operational, banking supervisors have repeatedly recognized the need to adapt their structure to reflect these changes and have also undertaken a profound transformation of their regulatory and supervisory framework from a compliance model to a consolidated risk-based supervisory model. With the adoption of Law No. 183-02 on money and finance, banking supervision will have the legal framework it currently has, with responsibility for the supervision of financial institutions in full autonomy, with the aim of protecting savers` funds and the rights of users of financial services. The IDB`s overall support to sub-regional financial institutions is based on three basic criteria formulated in the Bank`s support to regional integration: coherence of strategies and policies, complementarity of operations and additionality of resources.

First office of the SB (year 1947), in Las Mercedes street # 38, Colonial Zone. The Latin American Export Bank (BLADEX) is not one of the financial institutions covered by this policy, which does not mean that BLADEX is not eligible for financing from the bank. CONSISTENCY. There is a need to ensure coherence between the strategies and policies of the Bank and those of the subregional financial institution. Coherence of strategies requires coherence of objectives and priorities in strategic plans and country programmes. Policy coherence means that the main policies of the two institutions are based on similar principles and that there are no conflicting rules. General criteria for IDB operations with subregional financial institutions (Central American Bank for Economic Integration, CABEI; Caribbean Development Bank, BDC; Andean Development Corporation, CAF; and Financial Fund for the Development of the La Plata Basin, FONPLATA). Given the marked differences between the institutions, this policy is necessarily of a general nature and necessary to create a new framework of relations. The specific strategic framework for the conduct of operations with each of them is defined in a dynamic context through dialogue and consultation of the Bank`s sub-regional programming and is formulated within the framework of the respective sub-regional strategy paper.

____ To be a national and international reference institution, recognized for the quality of its supervision and the support it offers to users of financial services, supported by highly qualified staff and the excellence of its management. COMPLEMENTARITY. The subregional institution must be able to act more effectively than the Bank in certain activities in areas of common interest where strategies are coherent. In other words, in the areas of comparison of global and country strategies mentioned in the coherence criterion, these would be identified when the performance of the sub-regional bank implies specific benefits for institutions and their member countries in the interest of greater operational efficiency. This would maximize the comparative advantages of each firm in order to avoid duplication and increase the efficiency of financial intermediation. contribute to the well-being of the country, monitor the solvency, liquidity and management of enterprises and the stability of the financial system; and the protection of the rights of users of financial services. The identification and compliance with the requirements of consistency, complementarity and additionality shall be determined in the analysis process of each operation. Compliance with the consistency criterion, the first aspect of the IDB`s analysis as a prerequisite for setting up credit operations, is analysed and presented in Profile I of the relevant transaction. The identification of areas of complementarity takes into account, inter alia, the priorities of the two institutions.