
Legal Aid Ngo

TrustLaw has a regional and global reach. Our network includes large international law firms as well as smaller national law firms, in-house legal teams and individual lawyers. All members are qualified in their respective jurisdictions and meet the requirements of the local bar association. The NLADA Federal Grants Center offers an organized and up-to-date list of funding opportunities available from federal agencies. It is regularly updated with new calls for grants for which civil legal aid and/or public defence service providers may be solicited. The Foundation is dedicated to protecting the public interest, disseminating legal competence, resolving issues of general public interest for remedies, and transforming lawyers into socially responsible professionals. Our network of referral partners of funders and attribution boards ensures that we can reach the widest possible reach. Through these partnerships, we aim to support their fellows, fellows, members and laureates with free legal assistance. CLAP`s mission is to provide legal services on a pro bono basis to improve access to justice for marginalized people and is legally engaged in legal reform. It was established with the aim of broadening the horizon of legal services in their various dimensions for the promotion, protection and implementation of human rights. Over the years, it has become a specialized organization in the field of law and justice.

Overall, the Legal Service Institute strives to eradicate injustice from society and is committed to justice. Through its strategic legal intervention, the Legal Service Institute reaffirms its commitment to the progressive realization of fundamental human rights in the dignity of individuals and communities. In doing so, it aims to achieve good governance based on the rule of law through just, transparent, accountable and gender-equitable strategic law enforcement. Join this webinar to learn more about: the types of legal services survivors of human trafficking need; How can we determine when civil or criminal clients may be victims of human trafficking? effective models of collaboration with law enforcement while maintaining a victim-centred approach; and the possibility of working with the Civil Rights Division to combat human trafficking. Radhey Krishna Legal Aid Foundation (Regd.) is a charitable foundation established in memory of the late Sh. R.S. Garg Advocate and his wife Late Smt. Krishna Garg on 25-11-2016. The late Sh. R.S. Garg was originally a bailiff in Haryana, but later he came to Delhi and started practicing at the District Court and the Delhi Supreme Court, becoming one of the leading lawyers.

In addition, he was very caring and compassionate by nature, providing legal assistance to the poor and needy on a pro bono basis. His wife, the late Smt. Krishna Garg, was a pious woman and always supported her husband in his charitable activities. India`s judicial system is now one of the oldest legal systems in the world. It is part of the Read More CLAP, the acronym for Committee for Legal Aid to Poor, is the oldest public interest legal organization in India. It was founded in 1982 by prominent Sarvodaya leader Shyam Sundar Das. CLAP is a company registered under the Companies Registration Act (Act XXI of 1860) as a non-profit NGO that promotes human rights through the application of laws, legal procedures and legal systems. It manages the Institute of Legal Services, through which CLAP`s activities are expressed in a meaningful way. CLAP is headquartered in the city of Cuttack, in the Indian state of Odisha.

While legal awareness is the natural starting point for legal empowerment, it often needs to be followed by legal assistance in effective access to rights. This is particularly true for marginalized groups, whose prolonged vulnerability makes access to justice particularly difficult. Legal assistance can range from legal advice to representation before the courts through litigation. MARG provides legal assistance through its network of lawyers and community justice workers in various parts of the country. MARG provides free legal aid to the poor and marginalized, e.g. women, children, people with disabilities, the poor. MARG lawyers provide legal advice and, in some cases, direct legal representation in court. Legal assistance is also provided on a regular basis by the Delhi Legal Services Authority. Join this webinar to learn more about: types of legal services to address sexual harassment in housing; the appropriate procedure for identifying and transmitting the infringement; civil litigation on behalf of victims; and opportunities for collaboration between the federal government and those providing direct legal services to victims. The foundation is run and administered on a voluntary basis by lawyers and law students to help the poor, needy, oppressed and disabled protect their rights and raise awareness of issues that affect everyone from civil liberties to the environment to legal literacy. The 2020 Index collected data from more than 215 law firms representing lawyers in 91 jurisdictions.

The Legal Service Institute serves society through the following key strategies: Chicago is not a place for ICE vigilantes. Beyond Legal Aid and our partners demand answers. Many cases that have been successfully conducted by the RKLAF, where we have managed to get justice. After 3 years of building and planning coalitions, Beyond Legal Aid was proud to make way for Healing To Action, a survivor-led community organization dedicated to ending gender-based violence, and the rest of the coalition #SexEdWorks as the Campaign for Comprehensive Sexuality Education began in all Chicago Public Schools (CPS).