
Legal Document for Child Custody

Information on trial and custody cases is available online here. Legal Aid of North Carolina runs clinics throughout the state to help participants seek custody or visit children. You can register online here. Central Carolina University School of Law offers custody forms and one-on-one appointments to help clients apply for custody. More information is available here. I have a custody order from another state, but I now live in North Carolina. What must I do? The court must find out if there was violence in your home. A judge must place the safety of the child and the abused parent at the centre of the custody decision and consider violence against the parent when deciding on custody. Witnessing violence against the parent can harm a child just as much as child abuse. Custody of a parent does not depend on the payment of child support, but on the nature of the relationship with the parent, which is in the best interests of the child. A court may consider the refusal to pay child support in its analysis of the parent`s capacity to act in the best interests of the child.

Finally, the document gives parents the option of including an existing maintenance contract or establishing a new maintenance contract. Family allowances are usually based on a calculation that weighs the time each parent will spend with the child and the parents` respective income and assets. A number of child benefit calculators are available online. However, parents can choose to enter into their own child support agreement without using the calculation. The caveat is that a judge has the final say on child support. However, judges usually approve any reasonable support agreement and are willing to give the benefit of the doubt to two parents who worked together to create a child support agreement. Custody agreements approved by a judge or family court are legally enforceable. They bear the weight of the judge`s decision and should therefore not be violated. Violation of a custody order can result in severe penalties for the parent who violated it.

These may include: If you are also asking for child support, add these forms: Many judges prefer children to wait outside the courtroom rather than watch the trial. Many judges speak to children “in a chamber,” that is, in a separate room without the presence of the parents, instead of having the child testify in the courtroom. The other parent violated our custody order. What can I do? WHEREAS the parties are the parents of the following minor children: An emergency custody order, sometimes called an ex parte order, is an immediate, short-term custody order that a judge can make in limited emergency circumstances without hearing the other party. Grounds for granting custody include situations where a child is at significant risk of assault, sexual abuse, or removal from North Carolina in order to circumvent the authority of North Carolina courts. Law enforcement agencies can help restore a child through an emergency custody order. If an emergency detention order is made, a hearing must be scheduled so that both parties have an opportunity to be heard. You should consider hiring a lawyer if you need to apply for emergency detention because the process is complex. Use this form if you are applying for child or spousal support. In North Carolina, you can file a custody case in the county where one of the parties lives. Can my child talk to the judge about what he wants? The mother has sole custody of the children and all final decision-making powers with respect to important matters affecting the welfare of the children, including, but not limited to, matters of education, religion and health care.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in all cases (except in cases of emergency), the father must be given the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process regarding these important matters. Parenting rules are the rules that both parents follow when raising the child. Custody agreements generally need to be approved by a judge to be enforceable under state law. Typically, the custody agreement is formulated and approved at divorce or separation hearings. Sole custody means that the child lives with only one parent, although the child can visit the other parent. Joint physical custody means that the child`s time is shared between the parents. There are many opportunities for joint custody. One parent may have primary physical custody, which means that the child lives with that parent most of the time, while the other parent has secondary physical custody, for example, every other weekend or regular lunches. Alternatively, there may be an equal division in which the child moves steadily from one parent to the other. In general, child support formulas use the number of children in a case, the income of each parent, and the percentage of time spent with the children. If the documents sent to you also ask for child support, fill out these forms as well: If parents want to create a document that only covers child support, they must use a child support contract. Children`s birthday parties.

If the father would not otherwise have access to a child on his birthday, the father must still have access to that child for up to [NUMBER] hours. The father does not have access to the children every day of the week and only every other weekend (including weekends of 3 days per school schedule). The only exception is that there are two situations where a parent can bring a child to testify in court, and the requirements are slightly different.