
Legal Vision Trademark

A registered trademark is legally enforceable. It grants you exclusive rights to use or license the trademark in connection with the goods or services you offer. An unregistered trademark enjoys less protection, although it may enjoy some protection under the laws on deceptive or deceptive conduct and disclosure. As your business becomes profitable, your brand value increases. After investing your finances and creativity in building a recognized brand, you are now starting to stand out in the market. However, you don`t want competitors to copy your brand`s differentiators. Registering a trademark can legally protect the components that represent your trademark: names, logos and slogans. I never thought I would ever have to use a trademark service, but the opportunity to register a trademark presented itself. I searched for Legalvision, and without much fuss, the process began. Very satisfied with the service received. This is an important aspect of protecting your brand and business, so talk to these guys – they`re the experts! We provide IP services in all areas of intellectual property rights and the full range of related legal and paralegal services. We worked with v2food to protect their brand during exponential growth.

Your lawyers saved us a lot of time and gave us security. If you are applying for a trademark in more than one country, seek legal advice from the outset. – Graham Burdis, Chief Financial Officer, v2food Vision & Associates is operated by partners and supported by special advisors and employees committed to working with Vision & Associates. A trademark specialist can file trademark applications and help deal with opposition claims raised by a negative report. Our lawyers and lawyers have been named Best Intellectual Property Legal Team at the NAB Professional Services Awards. If you`ve tried to use a celebrity`s name in your trademark without permission, that would also be misleading. This is because you would suggest an affiliation or statement that does not exist. Vision & Associates is very familiar with local laws and international professional standards. Our philosophy is to find the innovative solutions you need to meet your business needs in a cost-effective manner. This process currently takes about three to four months. If IP Australia does not raise any issues with your application during the review, a letter of acceptance will be issued. IP Australia will prepare an adverse report if there are any issues with your trademark application.

The team also advises on obtaining documents from local authorities such as certificates of non-acquisition, ownership, street line and construction line, certificates of compliance and obtaining permits for survey plans. If your trademark is eligible for registration and is not rejected by a third party (or if you file an opposition but exit as the winning party), the trademark can proceed with registration after payment of the final fees. In a simple case, the minimum period between registration and registration is seven and a half months. Once you have a trademark, you need to make sure that you are actively using your trademark in a professional setting. You can actively use your brand in advertising, social media, and business in general. If you do not use your trademark, it may be removed from the trademark register for non-use. Registering your trademark is the wrong class can be a costly mistake. Brand consulting can help you identify the right class for your brand. We worked with Fable Food to help them protect their brand while growing their business globally. Your lawyers have saved us time and effort, especially in countries where the trademark application has been challenged or needed clarification.

It`s really helpful that we can market brands globally with a single point of contact in Australia. Chris McCallum, Chief Operating and Financial Officer, Fable Food Co. LegalVision also submits a Headstart application (i.e. a test application) to IP Australia before submitting the full application. Upon submission of this Headstart request, we will receive a report from IP Australia within five working days. If IP Australia detects problems, we will receive a report of the unwanted investigation within this five business days instead of waiting three to four months. A large part of the trademark registration process involves due diligence as to whether you will file a successful application. A symbol of reputation and goodwill: You need a strong, memorable and, above all, unique name for your company and its goods and/or services. Protecting your name and the reputation it creates through trademark registration is a must. When filing an application, you must select the categories of goods or services in which to file an application. All goods and services fall into “classes” classified under an international agreement. There are 45 categories of goods and services that have been adopted by the majority of countries in the world.

Classes 1 to 34 include goods and classes 35 to 45 include services. LegalVision can give you recommendations on the courses you need. When you become a member, our trademark lawyers can help protect your name, logo or slogan. Q: What types of trademark applications are there? Successful registration takes at least seven and a half months and must be renewed every ten years to remain a trademark. If there are objections to your trademark application, it may take longer. Outrageous brands are offensive to others. It means not only tasteless or rude, but really offensive. We can register your trademark directly or file a single international application. IP Australia is the government agency that evaluates and registers trademarks after an application has been filed. All trademarks are publicly available on IP Australia`s trademark search portal.

The portal allows you to search if your company name or logo has already been assigned. LegalVision`s experienced trademark lawyers have successfully registered thousands of trademarks for Australian businesses, including international trademarks. These include, for example, trademarks that contain offensive or abusive material of a personal, religious or racist nature.