
List of Latin Legal Maxims

Certiorari is more commonly considered part of the term “Writ of Certiorari”. This is the judicial proceeding in which an appeal or review by a higher court is sought for a judicial decision rendered by a lower court or government agency. You can read more about the certiorari process here. Pax tibi, Marce, Evangelista meus. Hic requiescet corpus tuum. “have no control over the mind” (not legally responsible) owning one`s land, which can be harmful to others 29. Aequitas legem sequitur – Justice follows Law 30. Aequitas nunquam contravenit legem – Justice never contradicts Law 31. Affidavit – A written affidavit that can be used as evidence in court 32.

Agenda – Action 33. Alibi – In another place, elsewhere 34. Allegatio contra factum non est admittenda – An assertion that contradicts an act is not heard.35 Alter Ego – Other “I” or “other self” 36. Ambiguitas contra stipulatorem est – An ambiguity is interpreted most forcefully against the party using it.37 Amicus curiae – A friend of the court 38. Amicus omnibus, amicus nemini – A friend for all is a friend for no one 39. Annus horribilis – A terrible year 40. Annus mirabilis – A fantastic year 41. Ante – before 42. Ante meridiem – Before noon 43. Arbitrium est judicium – An arbitral award is a judgment.44 Assentio mentium – The meeting of spirits, that is, mutual consent 45.

Assignatus utitur jure auctoris – An assignee is vested with the rights of his assignor 46. Audi alteram partem – Listen to the other side B.47. Bona fide – Sincerely, 48. Bona fides – Honest goal 49. Bona vacantia – Goods without owners 50. Boni judici est ampliare jurisdictionem – It is the task of a good judge to extend his jurisdiction.51 Boni judicis est judicium sine dilation mandare executioni – It is the duty of a good judge to arrange enforcement immediately after Judgment 52. Bonus judex secundum aequum et bonum judicat et aequitatem stricto juri praefert – A good judge decides according to justice and justice and prefers equity to strict law C. 53. Cadit quaestio – The case leaves no other argument 54. Causa proxima, non remota spectatur – The immediate cause and not the distant cause should be considered as 55. Caveat emptor – Let the buyer pay attention 56.

Caveat Venditor – Let the seller pay attention 57. Ceteris paribus – All other things being equal 58. Circa – about 59. Cogito, ergo sum – I think, so I`m 60. Compos mentis – Stable, clear, healthy 61. By consensus – Unanimously, or by general agreement 62. Consensus ad idem – Agreement on the same things 63. Contra – On the contrary 64. Contra bonos sits – Against good morals 65. Contra non valentem agere nulla currit praescriptio – No prescription runs against a person who is incapacitated 66.

Conventio et modus vincunt legem – A contract and an agreement overcome Law 67. Coram non judice – Before someone, who is not a judge 68. Corpus – Body 69. Corrigenda – A list of things to fix 70. Corpus delicti – The body, that is, the heart of crime 71. Crimen omnia ex se nata vitiat – Crime corrupts everything that flows from it. Law school is full of excellent textbooks of Latin legal terms that you may already be familiar with. As you enter your first year of law school, you may be overwhelmed by the number of terms you need to know. To help you overcome this confusion and feel better prepared for law school, we`ve compiled a list of 15 essential Latin legal terms you can study before entering law school.

You can see these terms in textbooks, lectures, or case studies and will likely use them throughout your time in law school and your future legal career. The following Latin legal terms are commonly encountered during your 1L year. Therefore, you should make an effort to familiarize yourself with them now and save yourself from stress later. Lawyers are appointed by the “ad litem” court for claims. These appointments are generally reserved for parties who have a legal interest or are involved in the case but are unable to represent themselves, such as children or certain adults with disabilities. Or leave the main answer. In other words, it means holding the employer or client legally liable for the illegal acts of an employee or representative in connection with an employment or agency. Read with IPC sections 154 and 155. Faciendum – Something that needs to be done. Factum – An action or act. Facultas probationum non est angustanda – The right to evidence cannot be restricted.