
Public Trustee Legal Fees

(2) (a) The salary of the Public Trustee in the various districts of the State shall be as follows: in the second-class districts, twenty-six thousand dollars per annum for full-time public trustees, and in the third-class districts, six thousand five hundred dollars per annum. All fees include GST unless otherwise stated. (3) The Public Trustee of each county shall submit a complete and complete affidavit quarterly in respect of all matters of the Office of the Public Trustee and file it with the Council of County Commissioners and, after approval of this report, pay to the County Treasurer all amounts received by the County Treasurer as fees in excess of the amount of salary then due to the Public Trustee. With respect to all necessary and reasonable expenditures for staff salaries and benefits provided in accordance with the County Personnel Policy and other expenses associated with the management of the Office of the Public Trustee for the quarter ended as of the date of this report, these funds are credited by the County Treasurer to a fund called the Public Trust Salary Fund. Before transferring such surplus funds, the Public Trustee shall keep them in a special reserve fund held in a separate interest-bearing account in accordance with sections 38-37-113 until such special reserve fund, including accrued interest, reaches an amount equal to the total operating costs and authorized salary of the Public Trustee for the preceding fiscal year. as filed in accordance with this subsection (3). If, in a given quarter, the Public Trustee`s operating costs and approved salary exceed the fees charged in the quarter, the Public Trustee may use the Special Reserve Fund to cover his operating costs and the salary approved for that quarter. Once the special reserve fund reaches the eligible amount, the excess funds are paid to the district treasurer for inclusion in the public trust salary fund. At the end of each year, the District Treasurer shall pay to the Public Trustee any amount still due to him on the basis of his salary which has just expired for that year, such payment being made only in accordance with the certificate of the board of directors indicating the unpaid amount of such salary. and unpaid, and the balance of this fund is then transferred to the county general fund. (b.5) Public Trustees of second-class electoral districts whose term of office begins on or after January 1, 2003 may receive, in addition to their salary, benefits not exceeding those of other elected district officials in their district.

There is a one-time payment of $6,629.85 to open your accounts with us for limited administration orders when the Supreme Court asks us to manage a particular asset or income. Once accounts are established, an ongoing fee will apply based on the number of transactions we manage for you. These fees range from $703.70 to $5,281.70 per year. This can include services such as legal fees, accountants, financial advisors, etc. Depending on the individual situation of the client, a number of fees may apply. Client tax fees are billed on an hourly basis, and these fees are deductible from your tax return for the following fiscal year. All Public Trustee fees are reimbursed for real property that is the primary residence of the financial administration client (principal residence), including property management fees (real property). From 1 January 2022, 0.165% per annum of the value of the main portfolio and 0.385% of the growth portfolio will be invested in NSW Trustee & Guardian (fees include GST).

(c) Such salaries shall be paid out of the fees charged by the Public Trustee in accordance with this section and not otherwise. 1. The Public Trustees of each district of that State shall exercise the functions conferred upon them by law and the powers conferred upon them.