
The Legal Rights of Union Stewards 6Th Edition

Whether you`re a new union representative or just looking to expand your legal knowledge for an upcoming campaign, Robert Schwartz`s The Legal Rights of Union Stewards is a welcome addition to your library. Rule against unilateral amendments (Chapter 8, pp. 83-96). MV Transportation (2019) significantly weakened the NLRB rule, which prohibits changes in areas not covered by the contract. The decision allows an employer to make a medium-term change to a policy or practice without negotiating with the union if the change falls within the “compass or scope” of a management right, zipper or other clause that gives the employer exclusive control over a matter, such as the assignment of work or the issuance of rules or regulations. This particular ISBN edition is currently not available. This classic handbook, which has been completely revised and updated (June 2009), is a must for experienced and new union representatives. Book schools are confident in their legal rights and at the same time stress that legal protection is not an end in itself, but an instrument for organizing union members. Topics include the National Labour Relations Act, the special status of union representatives, the grievance process, the Weingarten Rules, the duty of fair representation, and other federal labour laws. The book is also a great resource for reformers and registrants trying to keep their union representatives online. The Website is not intended to be exhaustive. For employment law updates, it`s often helpful to read documents from management law firms – consider subscribing to the National Legal Research Group`s Employment Law Update newsletter.

Another useful resource is NLRB Watch, “a union-friendly Facebook group that monitors anything and everything NLRB.” Here are the questions The Legal Rights of Union Stewards addresses: When can you call your boss a liar? Can a manager notify you if you receive complaints? Do viticultural rights apply when an employer calls an employee? Can a criminal conviction prevent a union member from running for union office? Can a union settle a complaint without workers` consent? If a company implements a drug testing policy, does it have to negotiate with the union? Note: The following information is relevant to readers who printed editions of the book in 2017 and 2020. This information has been incorporated into the latest revised version, which was published in 2021. Permanent replacement (p.112). American Baptist Homes of the West (2016) prohibits employers from hiring permanent replacements during a strike if there is evidence that one of the goals is to disrupt concerted activities, such as deterring future work stoppages, punishing strikers, or breaking up the union. Medical services (S.105). Hawaiian Telcom (2017) prevents employers from cancelling health insurance during strikes. According to the decision, if a collective agreement creates a service that “accumulates” at the beginning of a strike (i.e. “due and payable”) must continue to operate for the duration of the strike, unless (1) the contract language (expired) clearly allows the employer to stop providing services when the contract ends or when employees stop working, or (2) in the case of benefits not specified in the contract, if the employer offers: end coverage and negotiate change in good faith. “Synopsis” could belong to another edition of this title. This easy-to-navigate book is an introduction to your rights as a steward and walks you through everything from the National Labour Relations Act to the grievance process to Weingarten`s rights.

Labour law is constantly evolving, influenced by the majority party on the National Labour Relations Board and Federal Court decisions. Trump`s Labor Council, for example, reversed decades of precedent with decisions that undermined the special status of union representatives and strengthened management`s ability to make unilateral changes during the term of the contract. In the coming years, however, some of the worst decisions of Trump`s Labor Council could be reversed by Biden. Salty language (pages 26 and 31). In General Motors LLC (2020), the Trump-appointed working committee changed the principle of equality to remove protections for union representatives who engage in “secular ad hominem attacks” during grievance sessions. Example: A steward told a —, manager that he could “push it in.” Note: The verdict appears to target offensive insults and racist insults rather than ordinary “salty” language. For more information on this decision and its implications, see the article by Robert Schwartz, “Trump Labor Board Upends Special Status of Union Stewards,” Labor Notes, October 2020. For more information on this decision, see Robert M.

Schwartz`s article, “Permanent Replacements? Not so fast, says the labor council,” Labor Notes, June 2016. by Robert M. Schwartz, fifth edition, 2015 Work Rights Press, 155 pages. Save my name, email address, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Fmla Handbook: A Union Guide to the Family and Medical Leave Act {{shippingLabel}} {{#showShipPrice}} {{bestListingForDislay.shippingToDestinationPriceInPurchaseCurrencyWithCurrencySymbol}} {{#showSurferCurrency}} ({{bestListingForDislay.shippingToDestinationPriceInSurferCurrencyWithCurrencySymbol}}) {{/showSurferCurrency}} {{/showShipPrice}} {{#showFreeShipping}} {{freeshipping}} {{/showFreeShipping}} {{shippingText}} Checkoff (pp. 34-35). Valley Hospital Medical Center (2019) amended the law to allow an employer to stop checking dues during a strike. Robert Schwartz has been a frequent contributor to the pages of Labor Notes over the years. Here are some highlights.

For more information, see his Work Rights Press book series on Labor Notes. Note: This information has been incorporated into the latest revised version, which was published in 2021. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked with * It is impossible to update the books every time there is a significant change in the law. Instead, we set up this page. He will notice significant changes in labor law on issues covered by Schwartz in his books. Strikes, Pickets and Internal Campaigns: A Legal Guide for Trade Unions.