
Weird Laws in Alberta Canada

Well, it`s unlikely you`ll need legal help for any of these obscure and strange criminal laws. But we are here to offer our full range of services to ensure your legal concerns are addressed. Contact us to be legally represented. However, as the Huffington Post reveals, many of these laws will change as Canadian law is updated in the coming months. So check before they`re gone, just to be sure. In what is considered a strange criminal law, you can`t really go swimming quietly in Lake Toronto. As it stands, you cannot go swimming in an area that has not been officially designated as a “swimming area” by the City of Toronto. There has been a huge fluctuation in the legality of the Port of Toronto. Historically, the skinny dip has not been warmly welcomed by cops. But now there`s a designated nudist beach that has more tolerance for your slimmer outfits.

One of the city`s bylaws states that “no person shall disturb a tree or part of a tree on municipal property, including, but not limited to, tie, attaching or attaching objects or things to a tree or part of a tree and climbing the tree.” We love you, but we don`t always agree. Despite our occasional disagreements, we still respect you. Even if we don`t understand why, how, or when you decide to do some of the things you do, we wouldn`t have done it any other way. Thanks to your creativity (?), we can create such lists with ease. In honour of Canada`s upcoming birthday, here are some “snapshots” of a time when public servants may have taken themselves too seriously? We`re going to give you 20 weird Canadian laws that we can`t believe ever existed. One of the strangest illegal things in Canada is paying for purchases with a lot of coins. Under Canadian law, you can only use a maximum of 25 loonies (the Canadian dollar coin) and only 5 coins at 25 cents. Don`t worry, the Secret Service won`t track you down if you pay $30 in loonie coins, but some sellers might use this law against you if they hate coins for some reason! So it`s best to spend them on gas station chocolates instead.

Canada is home to so many incredible places, attractions, cities, national parks and people. But you may not know that the country is also home to some bizarre laws. Every country and even many cities have a whole bunch of strange laws from the past or even today. Greater Canada is no different. Some laws are no longer enforced, others no longer exist, but all of them had their place in Canadian law. We dare to avoid asking ourselves the “why” by reading the following laws. Most of our posts are written on day-to-day legal issues and issues that affect the daily lives of thousands of Canadians. It can be a dispute between disputing business partners that requires alternative dispute resolution, or it can be the transfer of an estate from one family member to another with estate planning. In some cases, this may be the advice you need in the event of bodily injury you have suffered as a result of negligence. This article is not about any of that. For a change, we`ll give you the opportunity to read a relatively light article – an article about strange Canadian laws that we bet you didn`t know existed.

In our last post, we described some of the bizarre laws in the Criminal Code of Canada. In this second part, we will look at some strange laws that are still in place in Alberta. If you`re planning to bring that bottle of Alberta gin across the provincial border into British Columbia, reconsider your decision or you just need legal help. You see, under the Intoxicating Spirits Act, it is illegal to move a bottle of alcohol (other than wine) without prior authorization from the provincial liquor control authority. It`s funny how a prohibition-era law affects our modern lives. But that`s exactly the kind of thing these strange criminal laws are made of. There you have it, dear Northerners. 20 bizarre Canadian laws that are almost too bizarre to believe. We may or may not have broken some of these rules, but it is neither here nor there. We are innocent until proven guilty, aren`t we?! *Note: Most of these laws no longer exist or are (obviously) no longer enforced. Canada has a lot of strange laws to follow, and Alberta is certainly no different.

The province has its own bizarre laws, and you could get in trouble if you get caught breaking them. Despite the amusement we feel when we read these laws, they can actually be enforced if someone goes to the police to complain about your noisy parrot or purple garage door! However, Canada`s laws on the things that matter are actually excellent. In fact, Canada is one of the safest countries in the world, so you don`t have to worry if you plan to live or study in Canada. All you have to do is determine what you want to study, which university you will study at and what student housing in Canada you will be staying in. 19. It`s a bear, it`s a moose. it`s a Sasquatch! Maybe one of Canada`s strangest laws says that if you see the big guy in all his hair in British Columbia, don`t shoot! Just run and hide. If you kill the gentle giant, you could be arrested. According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 2013, it is not allowed to paint a portable wooden ladder so that users can easily determine its condition and safety.